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Q: How quickly could the quarantine on Cuban have turned into WW III?
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Did the American revolution turn against its roots?

could it be argued that the american revolution turned against its roots

Why was the power loom necessary?

It was necessary because it made jobs quicker and people earned a lot more money . They made more money because the machine made more items and they could then sell these items quickly to make money. If it isn't right don't blame me blame the teachers

Could a woman be a blacksmith in medieval time?

Yes, they could be a blacksmith. They need to get all the help they could get. Like any moment there could be a war.

What happened on October 31 1988?

About the only thing of note that I could find that happened on the 27th October 1958. was that Iskander Mirza, the first President of Pakistan was deposed in a bloodless coup by General Ayub Khan. And Simon Le Bon, Lead singer of Duran Duran was born

What motivated the europeans to explore a route to southeastern Asia?

Spices, especially and other Oriental goods had been known and appreciated for a long time in Europe and demand for them had always been high. Supply only came by overland route (the so-called "Silk Road") and the amounts that could be carried by camels always was insufficient. Moreover, during the travels many local rulers levied taxes on them and goods were on the way already traded and re-traded, and sometimes wars that broke out somewhere along the route stopped supply altogether for a while. All of this lead not only to insufficient supply but also to very high prices. The Portuguese first of all quickly figured out that finding a sea-route themselves would not only cut out the many middle men, but the payload of even one ship would be much bigger than what a whole camel caravan could carry. Getting the goods themselves would at the same time allow them to corner the market through lower prices and make them still a very hefty profit. Which turned out to indeed be the case.

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How do you say am Cuban in spanish?

You could say, "Soy cubano," which means "I am Cuban". Or you could say "Tu eres cubano" which is "you are Cuban." Another one you could say is "Ella es cubana" which means, "she is Cuban".

Why is it important to quarantine animals that are brought into Singapore?

Quarantine is important to stop the spread of diseases that could destroy the local animals.

What should the American people do to support the president decision on the Cuban missile crisis?

There was not much they could do except watch on TV and see what would happen. Fortunately, all turned out well .

Renew Cuban passport?

Contact the local Dominican Republic Consulate or Embassy.

Which actions occurred during what could be considered the climax of the Cold War?

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a stand-off between America and Russia. Faced with an ultimatum from the Americans, the Russians turned away and headed back to Russia.

Which action occurred during what could be considered the climax of the Cold War?

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a stand-off between America and Russia. Faced with an ultimatum from the Americans, the Russians turned away and headed back to Russia.

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Why is the Cuban crocodile the state animal?

the cuban crocidile is the state animal because i said it could i am the daughter of the president in cuba lol jk

When we need to renovate a Cuban passport?

could i renovate my cuban passport if it's already expaired like almust two years ago????

Was dot-hack quarantine discontinued and why?

.hack Quarantine was released in the US. It was never released in large quantities and didn't sell particularly well. You could probably purchase a copy online from Ebay.

Are Canadian's allowed to bring Cuban cigars into the US for personal use?

No. If you attempt to bring them across the border and are caught, you could end up in a lot of trouble.

What is a sentence for the word quarantine?

Because the people were sick with Ebola and no one wanted it to spread, they were all quarantined in a separate house. ---- The sick child was placed in quarantine so that other children wouldn't get sick. ---- The sick child at school was placed in quarantine so that no other students could get sick.