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The weight loss really depends on your health before-hand. Height, weight and age are all factors in how quickly you will lose weight. I would check with your doctor before you started using it to know how safe it is for your body.

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Q: How quickly will Liquid Health cause weight loss Is it safe to use?
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The Cause of dieting is when you think you are over weight and you will go on a diet to loose weight. Hope this helps. Alexa:)

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Weight loss is not something to be taken lightly and you should always consult a doctor before beginning a program. Your health provider can tell you the best way to lose weight. That being said, there are no proven "fast" ways to lose weight (or everyone would be super thin). It will require hard work and discipline, counting calories, eating more or less of certain foods, exercise, and more. Losing weight too quickly can cause permanent health problems and it makes it much more likely that you'll gain the weight back again (and quite possibly some on top of what you originally had). Most diets that claim to help you lost tons of weight quickly either just get rid of water weight (and then you stall) or are dangerous.

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If it is seriously out of control it can cause health problems. But being underweight could cause just as much problems. Normal weight is the best. If slightly overweight, losing weight may make you more self-confident!! Hope this helps!!

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