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Q: How quickly would groundwater flow through rocks with high poroity and high permeability?
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How quickly would groundwater flow through rock with porosity and high permeability?


How does the permeability of soil and rocks affect the flow of groundwater?

Permeability is when water can pass through different types of soil and rocks. Therefore the permeability affects the soil and rocks because if the soil or rock is PERMEABLE then the groundwater can easily flow through it :)

Allows precipitation to pass quickly through and form groundwater reserves?


What is the groundwater flow?

The flow of groundwater is an aquifer.

What allows precipitation to pass quickly through and form groundwater reserves?

Permeable materials that act as aquifers.

What affects groundwater flow?

Groundwater flow is affected by factors such as the permeability of the rock or sediment through which it moves, the slope of the water table, and the presence of fractures or faults that may enhance or restrict flow. Human activities, such as pumping water from wells or constructing barriers like dams, can also influence groundwater flow patterns.

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What is groundwater erosion?

It is groundwater that is being eroded through a process.

A rocks ability to let water pass through it is called its what?

Well, the "letting through" of any substance through an object is considered permeability. Therefore, I'd suppose that the rock's ability to let water pass through the voids is called permeability.

What are facts about permeability?

Changes in permeability are changes in the number of compounds that can pass through a membrane. The presence of certain chemicals or radiation can change the permeability of a membrane.