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Quartz vibrates when a voltage is applied between opposite faces of a crystal.

The frequency of the vibration depends on the thickness of the crystal, and on

the direction of the faces compared to the natural planes in the crystal structure.

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Q: How rapidly does Quartz vibrate?
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What role do atoms or molecules play to the transfer of heat?

They vibrate rapidly.

What is quartz used for?

Quartz is used in the making of sandpaper, optics, glass, liquid filters, circuit boards, computer components, cement , mortar, and jewelry. Quartz crystals are also piezoelectric meaning when an electrical current passes through them they vibrate a small amount. Time can be measured from the vibrations of the quartz crystals so quartz crystals are often used in clocks.

What is the technology of quartz crystal timepieces?

This site will give you excellent information, here is an excerpt and the site:Enter the Quartz Clock. Quartz timepieces use the nature of the quartz crystal to provide a very accurate resonator which gives a constant electronic signal for timekeeping purposes. Quartz crystals are piezoelectric, which means that they generate an electrical charge when mechanical pressure is applied to them. They also vibrate if an electrical charge is applied to them. The frequency of this vibration is a function of the cut and shape of the crystal. Quartz crystals can be cut at a consistent size and shape to vibrate at thousands of times per second, making them extremely stable resonators for keeping very accurate time.*

How violin produces vibrations?

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What do cesium atoms quartz crystals and pendulums have in common?

They all keep time: Cesium atoms, quartz crystals, and pendulums all vibrate at a constant frequency (not the same frequency for each substance.) With current technology, cesium atoms are the most precisely constant.

What is the crystal that is used in most watches to vibrate?

Quartz is most common, but any piezoelectric material such as topaz, Rochelle salt, or even cane sugar could be used.

How does quartz work in the temperature sensor inside the vial in freeze dryer?

A quartz temperature sensor inside a vial in a freeze dryer works by measuring the frequency of the quartz crystal. The quartz crystal is designed to vibrate at a specific frequency when it is exposed to a certain temperature. As the temperature inside the vial changes, the frequency of the quartz crystal changes as well. The frequency is then measured by the temperature sensor and compared to a reference temperature, allowing the freeze dryer to accurately measure and control the temperature of the vial.

What happens to molecules as they are heated?

The individual atoms vibrate more rapidly because they are being fed kinetic/thermal energy from the heat which they translate into movement.

Why do objects expands when heated?

They expand because their molecules vibrate more rapidly resulting in more space between the molecules which makes the object expand.

What does vibrate mean in science?

1. to move to and fro very rapidly and continuously 2. to resonate