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Greece is having financial problems.

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Q: How rich is greece?
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Why is greece not poor but not rich?

it an ancient contrey

Why is Greece a rich country?

Their great arts and elegant country!

What do Croatia and Greece have in common?

they're both mediteran countries, balkan countries, not very rich countries with a rich history.

How did rich people get around in ancient Greece?

Rich people in ancient greece were able to buy cloths that were made out of cotton and silk. These two types were really expense so only the rich people wore it and not the other people.

How do you use the word patrician in a sentence?

The patricians were rich nobles in ancient greece.

What is the name of the government that is ruled by a few rich families in ancient Greece?

The rule of the few is called Oligarchy. However, this does not necessarily mean rule by the rich, which is Plutocracy.

Who were rich land owners in Greece?

The oligarchs - originally those who had an income of 500 measures of grain or the equivalent. Then there were the 300 measure men, and bottom were the 200 measure me - a bare living for a family. So the rich weren't spectacularly rich as happened in Rome and today. Greece was poor country.

Was ancient Greece rich in natural resources?

No. Mainland Greece was very poor in terms of useful resources to ancient peoples. There were not a lot trees nor many precious metals. Cyprus was rich in copper, but tin was elusive, making bronze very rare and special in Greece.'Greece's most abundant resources were olives, grapes, and bountiful seafood. Aside from foods, Greece had almost nothing but rocky outcroppings.

Which ancient civilization grew rich by taxing the trade in salt and gold?

ancient greece

Who eventually took over as the monarchies Greece fell?

The oligarch - the rich upper class.

How many rich people were there in ancient Greece?

over 300,000 after The Great Peloponesian War

Types of housing in Greece?

There is all kinds of Greeks poor and rich Greeks so it depends on the house the poor ones live in a house by mud and stone and the rich ones like in a apartment.