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1.Osmosis is very important in root hair cells. Providing that the soil is moist, it is possible for water to enter the root hair by osmosis. (See the Osmosis Page if you have forgotten about this.)

2.Water passes from a region of high water concentration (wet soil) through a semi-permeable membrane (the cell membrane) to a region of lower water concentration (the cytoplasm). This makes the cell turgid.

3.As these cells develop they absorb water by osmosis and the hair can be pushed between soil particles.

4.The most important thing to remember about root hairs is that they increase the surface area between the root and the soil: this is necessary for the absorption of water and mineral salts.

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11y ago

The root hair is long and narrow.this increases yhe surface area to volume ratio which in turn increase the rate of absorbtionof water and mineral salts by root hair cell.

The cell surface membraneprevents the cell sapfrom leaking out.The ceel sap contain sugar,amino acids and salt.It has lower water potential then soil solution.this results in water entering the root hair cell.

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