

How safe is the stomach surgery that reduces weight?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Stomach surgery that reduces weight has gotten safer as new techniques have developed. However, there are some complications that can occur such as infection and gastric dumping syndrome.

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Q: How safe is the stomach surgery that reduces weight?
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There is only one major type of gastric band surgery available that is safe and approved by the FDA. The surgery restricts your stomach, which is used to assist people in losing weight.

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Gastric surgery has become safe and effective in recent years. So it is a safe choice. The risk is minimal that you could damage part of the stomach and the digestive system.

Where can I find more information on weight loss stomach surgery ?

To find out more information about stomach surgery weight loss visit this following It is a very good site that you could visit to find out about stomach surgery weight loss.

Is the bypass stomach surgery a safe surgery?

As with any surgery, there are risks,weighing the pros and cons with your pcp might be informational. It would be up to you and your doctor to weigh the odd and make the decision that best fits you.

Is it safe to lose weight with gastric bypass surgery and are there any long term effects to losing weight quickly?

Gastric bypass surgery will work where diets do not. There are always risks when surgery is involed. Additional information is available at:

Is it safe to get surgery for weight loss in Mexico?

The safety of a weight loss surgery in Mexico really depends on who your doctor is. The number one complication is infection, so if you are going to go to another country for surgery, be sure to check out their cleanliness first.

Is it safe for obese people to undergo surgery?

It is not safe to be obese so you would need to weigh the pros and cons of getting surgery. The best way is always to lose the weight naturally. Good luck.

Gastric Band Bypass Surgery Safe, Reversible?

Gastric band bypass surgery is becoming a popular choice for many patients wanting to avoid a bypass or stomach reduction. In the band procedure, a band is placed on the stomach that restricts the stomach size. After the surgery, the stomach will hold two ounces of food. As time goes on as the stomach stretches, it will hold four to six ounces of food. A small stomach size helps you feel fuller for a longer time and reduce the amount of food you eat.

Is the bariatris surgery weight loss safe?

The surgery is safe, but there are some risks. Doctors usually suggest diet and exercise before they do the surgery, but if you have tried both and are set on getting the surgery I suggest reading over a list of the risks.

Where can I go to get information on weight before and after surgery?

First you need to talk with your primary care doctor that can refer you to a weight loss surgeon . He will give you the information you need about weight loss . Usually before surgery you are required to lose X amount of pounds . This weight will be a percent of your current weight . Also, a follow up plan for healthy a safe weight loss after your surgery . Your surgeon will also instruct you on your needs and things to avoid post surgery .

Is it safe to lose weight when you are pregnant?

No,because if you do exercise the baby will move too much inside your stomach