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Q: How science and technology may improve or degrade our way of life?
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How science and technology improve people quality of life?

because of our new inventions.. we can improve our daily lives

Is the advanced technology in the field of medical science justified?

Yes, investment in advanced technology in medical science is justified. Advancements in medical science save lives, prolong life, and improve the quality of life.

What are the differences between new technology and old technology?

none. technology is simply applying the knowledge of science to improve daily life.

How did the technology of tool making lead to developing the technology of art?

technology means senescent day by day science help us to improving man life stile's its also help to improve the technology of art

Are science and technology are interdependent?

Science snd technology are interdependentbecause they use each other to go with the way of life. Technology uses the life of science to make new things and science uses the life of technology to observe new things with those new instruments and devices they use.

How does science improve the quality of your life?

Science improves the quality of your life in many ways through application in technology. Technology is used everywhere and enriches our lives by making things more entertaining, convenient, and easy. For example, science in the area of physics and optics as applied in conventional television technology improves our lives by providing a fun activity we can enjoy and learn from (watching TV). Science in the area of meteorology as applied in weather forecasting technology helps us to plan our week and know when to take an umbrella and when to dress light.

How did technology improve commutation transportation?

Technology make life easier.

How does science and technology improve people's quality of life?

Well just imagine, I world with no disease and suffering. all because of scientific breakthroughs, and increase in technology. Science discovers new ways to save lives, increase the length of life, and help create life. while technology, supplies science with the tools needed to do so. as well as supplying us average civilians with products to make our daily lives easier.

How medical technology improve life?

Just like how a dictionary improve grammar.

What is science and tecnology?

jgysddusdydjdb uycxb cxutyccjd cyudcbducd jdjcdujvd diccdncd it is a study of how and why certain tecnologies are occured and mainly deals with how to improve them.

What is the role of science and technology to mankind?

Science and technology makes our life comfortable and luxurious. Had there been no science or technology, there wouldn't have been any developments and civilizations.

How do science and technology relevant to your life?

We are in a digital age, which means that 90% of everything that we do is a derivative of science and technology