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Q: How should I brush wavy hair (when i brush it with a normal brush it gets big)?
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how should i brush my hair?

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Can you brush your hair with tinsel in it?

Yes! You can brush it, it is okay to do this with Our Herbiar Fairy Hair you can brush your Herbiar hair tinsel like normal hair, but still be careful near the base where the tinsel was inserted

Is combing in hairs good for head?

Depends on the hair brush if you have the normal hair brush (not the comb the other one) it massages your scalp and it helps your hair

What happens when you brush your hair on a dry day?

It gets brushed.

What type of brush should you use on your hair?

100% boar bristle brush is the best type of hair brush to use.

Why should you brush your hair regularly?

I guess to get everything bad out your hair , its bad when you over do it. it also depends on the brush. brushing tends to tear hair which is bad. combing through your hair with your fingers is supposed to be better for it. or use a wide toothed comb. It Also gets rid of the dust out your hair.

Is it normal to lose more hair when you wash it?

It is normal to loose a little hair when you wash it . we all shed some hair , as well as we get some regrowth. As long it is not in your drain & then in your brush or comb after you shampoo . if this is happening , then you should see a trichologist.

How can you keep your hair brushed all day long its really annoying when it gets all tangly and all i did was move?

First of all if you have long hair you should be brushing your hair with a paddle brush. Brush out your hair completely. Then spray a good hairspray on your brush (hold the can 15cm away from it) and brush lightly through your hair. Spray every time you brush a section and this should help your hair stay untangled longer. I recommend using Loreal Elnett strong hold. ___________ This type of tangling in the hair is usually a sign of an overdue haircut. If the ends of the hair are healthy, these tangles would not be that much of an issue.

What kind of brush should you use on a small dog?

If you own a dog with long hair then you should use a brush with long bristles or if you have a dog with short hair then you should use short bristle brushes to brush them.

What diameter brush should I purchase for use with shoulder length hair?

A 4mm brush will work well for shoulder hair and should detangle it well.

Can you brush fake clip in hair extensions with a normal brush?

Yes, you can comb extensions with a brush. Also use a light detangler, it helps get the knots out!

Why should you brush your hair?

You should brush your hair because if you get any dirt or anything in it, it would probrably come out. Also if you had any lose hair that could come out whilst cooking and go in your food would be gathered on the brush. xx