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Q: How should non-biodegradable waste to disspose?
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Is papers a nonbiodegradable waste?

No, paper will biodegrade (it is an organic material).

How can people control biodegradable and nonbiodegradable waste?

by not throwing the plasticts in the groud is on of the way to control nonbiodegradalle waste

What is nonbiodegradable waste?

Nonbiodegradable waste is basically "trash that doesn't decompose naturally". Meaning that bacteria will not break it down and turn it into topsoil. Thinks like banana peels will decompose very quickly, thus they are biodegradable. But plastics, foams, and metals will not decompose, thus they are nonbiodegradable.

Waste management in a vegetable market?

biodegradable nonbiodegradable are produce in the market

How is biodegradable waste more useful than nonbiodegradable waste?

Biodegradable waste can break down naturally and be recycled back into the environment as nutrients, while nonbiodegradable waste can persist in the environment for long periods of time without decomposing, leading to pollution and harming ecosystems. Additionally, biodegradable waste can be composted to create nutrient-rich soil for agriculture, closing the loop in the ecosystem.

Is aluminum foil nonbiodegradable?


Is a fishing line biodegradable or nonbiodegradable and why?

its plastic

What is the best way to dispose of used kitty litter?

The best way to disspose of it is to throw it in the trash in an oder proof bag.

Why are humans the only organisms that produce nonbiodegradable substances?

Humans produce nonbiodegradable substances because of our advanced technology and industrial processes that involve creating synthetic materials like plastics, which are not easily broken down by natural processes. Other organisms do not produce as many nonbiodegradable substances because they rely on organic materials for their survival and reproduction.

Is cow dung is nonbiodegradable?

No. Cow dung is organic material which definitely makes it biodegradable.

What is bio-degradable and non-bio-degradable?

Biodegradable materials will rot, weather, or rust and 'return to nature'. Wood, paper, and even most metals are biodegradable to various degrees. Nonbiodegradable materials will not break down naturally. Most plastics and synthetic materials are nonbiodegradable.

What sentence should you use for waste?

that camera was a WASTE of money =)