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The patient should avoid strenuous exercise and have nothing to eat or drink, except water, for eight to ten hours before this test.

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Q: How should patients be prepared for an aldolase test?
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This test requires a blood sample.

What is an aldolase test?

Testing for aldolase is done to diagnose and monitor skeletal muscle diseases.

How is an aldolase test carried out?

Aldolase is measured by mixing a person's serum with a substance with which aldolase is known to trigger a reaction. The end product of this reaction is measured, and, from that measurement, the amount of aldolase in the.

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Patients should not drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, smoke tobacco, or ingest other nicotine products for 24 hours before the test. These substances can affect test results. Patients should also not eat anything.

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How should patients be prepared for an immune complex test?

This test requires a blood sample. It is not necessary for the patient to be in a fasting (nothing to eat or drink) state before the test.

How should patients be prepared for a fetal hemoglobin test?

This test requires a blood sample. The patient is not required to be in a fasting state (nothing to eat or drink for a period of hours before the test).

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Patients undergoing this test do not need to alter their diet, change their normal activities, or stop taking any medications. They will wear a surgical gown during the test, and be asked to urinate before the test starts.

What is the purpose of an aldolase test?

Muscle weakness may be caused by neurologic as well as muscular problems. The measurement of aldolase levels can help pinpoint the cause. Aldolase levels will be normal where muscle weakness is caused by neurological disease.

How should patients be prepared for an erythropoietin test?

The patient is to fast with nothing to eat or drink for at least eight hours before the test. It is also suggested that the patient lie down for 30 minutes before the test.

How should patients be prepared for a lactic acid test?

This test requires a blood sample. The patient should have nothing to eat or drink (fasting ) from midnight the night before the test. Because lactic acid is produced by exertion, the patient should rest for at least one hour before the test.