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Q: How small do particles have to be to be absorbed?
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The size of particle can be absorbed in biology?

The size of the particles that can be absorbed in Biology are very small sized particles.

Fluid and particles absorbed into lymph capillaries?

Fluid and particles absorbed into lymph capillaries

In which state have the particles absorbed the most heat?

Particles have absorbed the most heat energy in the gas state.

What happens to the food in the small intesine?

it gets broken down into smaller particles (known as digestion) and are absorbed through the gut.

How does absorption accour in the small intestine?

In the small intestine small, partly-digested food particles are absorbed through micro villi (small finger-like tentacles) that line the wall of the small intestine.

What effect does humidity have on alpha particles?

Alpha particles can be absorbed by water.

Why are there particles not absorbed by blood vessels?

it is not absorbed because of dead cells, or pathogen!

Where are food substances absorbed?

Digestive enzymes are absorbed in the small intestine. Digestive enzymes are produced by the digestive tract to break down the nutrients in food.

What is the fluid and particles absorbed into lymph capillaries?


What is the release of light energy by particles of matter that have absorbed energy?

"phosphorescence"Scattering is the release of light energy by particles of matter that have absorbed energy. The transfer of energy carried by light waves to particles of matter is absorption.

What is the fluid and particles absorbed into lymph caillaries?

Fluids and particles absorbed into lymph capillaries are called lymph.

Is fat absorbed directly into the bloodstream from the small intestine If Not Where is it absorbed?

Fats are absorbed in the small intestine, along with carbohydrates and proteins.