

How soil help plants?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Soil provides minerals for plants, retains water so that plants can have enough time to absorb it, and helps to anchor plants.

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How do the plants help the soil?

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Do chemicals in the soil help the soil grow?

No, but they help the plants grow.

How does sulfur help plants?

it is rich soil for the plants' roots

How does bacteria in the soil help fertilize the soil for plants?

This is how microbes help in soil fertility. -- Bacteria and fungi help in decomposing our waste products. The microbes also add minerals into the soil which are also sometimes absorbed through the plants

Does fungi help plants and how?

After dead plants and animals are broken downby fungi , the mush is left to fertilize the soil. So decomposers help the soil. So I guess the fertile soil is good for alive plants, so the answer is YES!

Why does soil need plants?

for the same reason you need food... to live

To help plants grow what does soil have?

it has phospherous and potassium

What is inorganic soil made of?

No soil is inorganic. Soil is a mix of fully decomposed plants and animals as well as tiny molecules of minerals that help plants grow.

How can people keep soil alive?

the dead cells in the soil help the plants grow and plants give you oxygen which humans need

Do plants speed up erosion?

I assume you mean soil erosion? If so then no The roots etc of the plants help preserve the soil

What are ways in which plants and animals improve the quality of soil?

The role of plants and animals in soil formation is very significant. Human activities help in breaking down the particles that form the soil while the animals waste is used as nutrients for the soil.

Does plants prevents soil erosion?

Yes plants prevent soil erosion in many ways.One of the way is by its roots,as the root grow longer they bind it with the soil and help the soil from getting errodded.