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Yes you can. Just make sure you continue to brush your teeth.

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Q: How soon after having a dental crown can you smoke?
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Can you superglue a crown back onto your tooth?

You could do that, but I would not recommend it.First, you need to find out WHY the crown came off. If it is because of new dental decay, you want to have that taken care of by a dentist before you need a root canal.Second, super glue is not very effective as a dental cement. The crown will probably come off very soon again.Third, when a crown is placed, the dentist needs to check the bite. If it is off, even by a fraction of a millimeter, it can cause untold misery.Just see a dentist. If the crown can be re-cemented, the dentist can do it properly and quickly.

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it doesnt matter how much you smoke. as soon as you smoke it, its in your system.

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i m not sure but i drink water after smoke .

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Yes,but you shouldn't even smoke.

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Koruna meaning crown. However soon they will accept the Euro as their currency

How soon can you smoke after having a cavity filled?

You could smoke right after having a tooth filled, though I would not suggest it. maybe wait an hour or so but it should not have any affect pain-wise. The only thing is that if you've had white colored filling, the smoke, after time, may cause them to darken in color. I just had two of my teeth filled today and i smoked right after because my dentist told me my answer i have given to you.

Did Shia LaBeouf smoke?

Yes, I think he still do. But hope he stops very soon.

How long can I go without a dental crown on my tooth?

The length of time you can go without a crown on your tooth depends on various factors such as the size of the cavity, the severity of the damage, and the location of the tooth. In general, it is not recommended to delay getting a crown as it can lead to further damage, pain, and potentially tooth loss. A dental crown near you is a cap that is placed over a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its strength, shape, and function. If left untreated, a damaged tooth can continue to decay, leading to infection, nerve damage, and ultimately tooth loss. Additionally, a weakened tooth is more susceptible to cracking or breaking, which can cause even more significant problems. If your dentist in Okotoks has recommended a crown, it is best to get it done as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your tooth. However, if there is a delay in getting the crown, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene, avoid hard or sticky foods, and follow any temporary measures recommended by your dentist to protect the tooth. It is always best to discuss any concerns or questions about the timing of your crown procedure with your dentist.

Do you have to stay in Amsterdam Holland for a period of time before you can smoke weed there?

no as soon as you enter a cofe shop your then legally allowed to smoke/eat canabis products.

Should you fill a cavity immediately or is it better to wait?

Of course it is better to fill it immediately and stop any further damage to the tooth. Why would you wait? So the cavity can get bigger? So the whole tooth rots away so you don't have to fill it?

Why will your lungs get unhealthy if you do drugs?

The smoke from the drugs make your lungs rot in place and soon you will die

How soon can you get cancer from smoking?

It all depnds on how much you smoke, but on the average it takes ten years