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After a missed period about 16 days.

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Q: How soon can you take a pregnant test?
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How soon you can use home pregnancy test?

as soon as you think you are pregnant ,just take the test to see.

When can you take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant?

you can take a test as soon as you are a day late on your period as this will then show hormones in your body.

How soon can you tell if im pregnant?

You can take the test 10-14 days after sex.

How soon can you take a pregnancy test if you are still taking the pill?

you can take one at any time you think you are pregnant.

How soon does a woman knows she is pregnant?

It varies but the earliest she can take a test is 2 weeks after sex.

How soon after becoming pregnant will it produce a positive pee stick test?

it usually take about a month from the day you think you got pregnant.

I had implantation bleeding about five days ago is it too soon to see if im pregnant?

No - take a test

How soon can you do a test to see if am pregnant?

You should wait until you have missed your period before you take a pregnancy test. If it is negative and you still have not gotten your period within a week, take another test.

How soon after missed period should you take pregnancy test?

The day of your missed period if your worried about being pregnant.

Can you take a pregnancy test one day and it say not pregnant then two days later take one then be pregnant?

Yes. It depends on when you do it. If you did it too soon the results are not accurate. You should wait to see if you miss a period and then redo the test.

When is the best time to do a blood test to determine if you are pregnant?

as soon as you think you are pregnant.

When should you take test to find out if you are pregnant?

As soon as possible.Sooner the better. My wife and I check as soon as shes late... about 30 seconds after we think she should have had her pirod.