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Q: How soon do you get symptoms after contracting herpes simplex type 1?
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What are small clusters of bumps under your lower lips Hurts to touch and red behind it Haven't had any form of oral sex in over 2 months?

If the blisters are not just regular cold sores, then they could be the symptoms of herpes simplex virus, type 2. If this is the case then symptoms would also include fatigue, fever, and aches and pains. You don't necessarily need to have oral sex to contract the herpes virus. You contract it by touching infected saliva, mucous, or from infected skin. People infected with herpes however, don't show symptoms for about 2 to 12 days of contracting the virus, the average being about 4 days. The blisters could be caused by many things; they could be some other kind of viral infection, canker sores, or some other kind of STD. If the symptoms don't match with herpes, and you are completely sure you did not cause the bumps yourself, perhaps by biting your lip or burned it with a hot drink, I recommend you get them checked out by a doctor as soon as you can.

How soon do the symptoms for herpes show?

Symptoms may appear from several weeks to several months.

How long does it take herpes to get into your system?

As soon as it touches you.

Discuss The Development of Herpes Symptoms with Your Doctor?

Due to the nature of genital herpes, this disease can often be difficult to diagnose. Visiting your doctor as soon as herpes symptoms reveal themselves makes it much more likely that you will receive an accurate initial diagnosis. Typical herpes symptoms include the development of red, itchy sores on the penis, vulva or anus. These sores will often rupture and leave a shallow well called a lesion. While some individuals experience no symptoms at all, others are likely to suffer from the development of one or more lesions, headaches, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and a host of other discomforts. Speaking with your doctor early about any suspicious symptoms that you may be experiencing is essential for protecting yourself and your sexual partners.

Why do you have a cold sore if you are a preteen haven't kissed anyone and haven't shared drinks or utensils?

Cold sores are a form of herpes simplex. there are two types of herpes simplex, primary and secondary. Primary herpes is when you develop canker sores inside your mouth. Cold sores, also called fever blisters are secondary herpes and develop on the outside of the mouth and lips. As a child someone will usually pass herpes simplex (canker sores) to us innocently as a virus passed from adult to child. Later in life, flareups of the virus present as cold sores. Flareups can be triggered by stress, anxiety, cold, fever, injury to the mouth, dental work, food allergy, sunburn on your lips, etc. You can usually tell when a cold sore is developing because of the tingling in the skin in that area. If you start taking Vitamin C as soon as this tingling starts it will heal more quickly. Apply an over-the-counter product to assist in healing and wear lip balm with SPF protection to avoid further cold sores.

Herpes Infection?

One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases is also the hardest to detect and one of the most embarrassing to contract. Herpes is a virus that is transmitted through sexual contact and can be very difficult to detect in a sexual partner. It is difficult to spot because it has a similar appearance to simple acne in some people, though it can be severe and obvious in others. The good news is that herpes is not fatal and has few long term health consequences. The bad news is that herpes is incurable and will never go away. Anyone that finds they have been infected with herpes is immediately mortified. It makes them feel dirty and unattractive. It is important that anyone with herpes realize that it can happen to the best of people and is not typically a reflection of the sexual promiscuity of that person. There are a few things that anyone with herpes should be aware of and work towards addressing as soon as possible. Herpes affects every person differently. In some people it creates huge sores on the mouth and genitalia while other people rarely have outbreaks. It is important to know that the herpes infection flares up once a month and is far more contagious during that week than during other parts of the month. It is also important that any sexual partners be warned before sexual activity that they are at risk of contracting the disease. In some states it is considered a crime to not give warning to someone that they are at a high risk of contracting an incurable disease, so it is best that any potential partner be informed for protect both individuals. Contracting herpes is an embarrassing issue that most people do not want to discuss. It is important that anyone with the disease talk to a doctor as soon as symptoms are noticed. There are medications that can help control the obvious signs of a herpes infection, though none of them are capable of curing the disease. It is also vital that any potential lovers are given advanced warning that they are highly likely to get infected.

How soon do you start to see symptoms?

it depends on what symptoms you are talking about

How soon can you have pregnancy symptoms?

you can have pregnancy symptoms as early as 3 weeks!

How soon can you have symptoms of pregnancy?

As soon as you get pregnant. I started getting symptoms when i was a month I was always sick i guess it really depends on the person.

You have tingling at the tip of your penis with no bumps or blisters there is a skin marking?

Herpes ... see your doctor soon.

Herpes Treatments: Available Options?

A viral infection, herpes is an irreversible illness that spreads between individuals by direct physical contact. Though there are actually over 70 strains of viruses within the herpes family, only four can affect humans. These are VZV (Varicella-zoster, or the chicken pox and shingles virus), HSV (herpes simplex), EBV (Epstein-Barr) and CMV (Ctomegalovirus). Herpes simplex is the most commonly contracted of the four strains, and there is no cure available. However, there are still some treatment options for infected individuals to help with the outbreaks. Herpes simplex virus is further broken down into two types: HSV-1 and HSV-2. The former is characterized by the appearance of blisters around the mouth, on the lips and occasionally around the eyes. The latter type of herpes simplex virus causes the blisters to produce primarily around the genitals. However, contrary to popular belief, these are not the exclusive locations where herpes blisters can occur; in fact, it can appear anywhere, including the fingers. The most recent developments as far as herpes treatments are concerned generally includes using vaccines that have already been around, which include the smallpox and the polio vaccines. However, there are good and bad points with this. For one, studies show that it can prevent herpes from developing in certain individuals, but it will not help anybody who has already become infected. There is a potential vaccine for the herpes virus that can prevent both recurring outbreaks and the primary infection, and it is being used in over 50 countries. However, there is no expectations for it to be approved in America anytime soon. There are additional available treatments, including antiviral drugs. Every medication metabolizes itself in a different manner, but the general goal that they all share is the inhibition of the replication of the virus strain in otherwise healthy cells. However, this is more geared for HSV-2 rather than its Type I counterpart. On top of that, there are potential side effects in a small percentage of those who use these types of medications, including dizziness, nausea, fever, vision disturbances, joint pain and jaundice, or the yellowing of the eyeballs and the surface of the skin.

How soon can pas symptoms start?

2 -3 weeks