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It takes at least 1 week for you to start feeling tired, but no signs other than that. When that happens you should get a test and after 3 weeks take the test.

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Q: How soon does your body show it could be pregnant Is a few days too soon?
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Brown semen after intercorse. Ive missed my period and thought it was my period starting but still no sign 24 hours after intercourse. Am I pregnant?

no it takes at least 4 days for body to show if pregnant or not

You are 6wks pregnant have had heavily bleeding and cramps for two days but a pregnancy test stills sHow is positive would you still be pregnant?

Go and see a doctor immediately, this could be a sign of miscarriage

Can you take a pregnancy test 5 days before your missed period?

You can but you could easily get a false negative,meaning the test could show no pregnancy and you still could be pregnant. So far there is a test you can get over the counter that tells you two days or after.

Could a blood test tell you if you are pregnant just days after you've had intercourse?

Not usually. It normally takes a couple weeks for the pregnancy hormone to show up in a blood test.

Would a home pregnancy test always be positive 4 days after a missed period or could it take longer?

if you were pregnant it should show after 4 days but if it does not and still feel pregnant or are having symptoms wait another week or so and retest if you still have question make an appoinment with your doctor

I am 10 days late and 3 HPT's show negative I have a lot of white vaginal discharge and feel very weird Could i still be pregnant?

i have the same preoblem but yes you could definitly be preggo good luck!

Is Helena Gomez pregnant?

No she is NOT. On the late show she was feeling ill because of dehydration not eating enough and she was working herself way too much than her body could handle.

Will a pregnancy test show you are pregnant 5 ays after you conceive?

You need to wait 14 days after having intercourse to determine pregnant with a pregnancy test.

If pregnant when will you start to show?

could be any where from 3-6 months... some women don't show at all

Can a pregnancy test show up if you r only 10 to 14days pregnant?

Hi there. A test can show up after 14 days of being pregnant but not normally after 10 days. The best test to do this early is one that tells you how many weeks gone you are. This test showed up for me at just 2 weeks in to being pregnant. Hope this helps

How long until a pregnant mouse to give birth?

A mouse will show signs of pregnancy at 15 days and give birth in about 18-24 days.

You are 5 and a half months pregnant and you dont show at all It's like your not even pregnant at all Why is that?

It's simply your body build. You could still become much bigger the closer you get to giving birth. There are some women that can go through 9 months of pregnancy and never show and just wear baggy clothes.