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It depends on what you do for work. If you do desk work, then you could return that day or the next. If you do a lot of manual labor, gripping, power tools etc.. you may want to wait a couple of days.

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Q: How soon should you return to work after stitches come out after carpal tunnel operation?
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Full recovery from the general anesthetic depends on what they use of course, but you should expect consciousness to return in less than an hour, and wakefullness the next day at the latest. Typically, the hospital will keep a patient subject to full anesthesia until bowel sounds return. Note that some of the newer anesthetics last for as little as 3 minutes after administeration ceases.

Can you swim if you have stitches in your forehead?

Doctors recommend avoiding swimming while you have stitches. You should wait until the wound has healed and the stitches are removed.

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It is usually only about a week until the stitches are removed and after a further week your dog should be good as new.

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There should be no problem flying before having carpal tunnel syndrome surgery.

After carpal tunnel surgery do you need to wear a wrist splint?

Yes, after the operation is performed you will have a splint put on in the operating room. You should keep this on for a few days at least, then if you feel ok, you can take it off and wear a removable brace.

How long do you keep stitches dry after getting them?

You have to keep stitches dry for at least two days after getting them. You should check with your doctor to see if they should be kept dry for a longer period of time.

What should you eat while stitches on the leg?

I'm not sure if eating anything would damage your stitches if they're on your leg.

My dogs stitches came out what should i do?

Take it to a vet

Should you play football with stitches in your forehead?

It depends what you did to it and how long the stitches have been in but for 95% of injuries if you've already had stitches I wouldn't say longer than a month but I'm not a doctor

How do you take care of tubal ligation stitches?

Tubal ligation is usually performed using a laparoscope. The stitches used are usually dissolve on their own. To care for you stitches, they should be kept clean and dry.

Should you get stitches on your finger?

Only if it is injured sufficiently to warrant it.

My stitches aren't holding and they keep falling outthe pain is excruciatating?

You should go to your doctor or the E.R. If your stitches are falling out then they either weren't done properly, or the skin around the stitches is weakened and not holding.