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Not very well, because they're different types of waves. They have some similar properties, but water waves are transverse waves (the water goes up and down, perpendicular to the direction of travel) and sound waves are longitudinal waves (the air vibrates parallel to the direction of travel).

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Q: How sound waves can be modelled with water waves?
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Does acoustics use trigonometry?

Yes, because all sound waves can be modelled as sine (or cosine) waves, or combinations of sine waves.

How do sound waves differ from water waves?

they differ because waves are sound waves and water waves are waves in the water.

Why do you need sine waves?

There are many physical phenomena that can be modelled by sine waves: Waves in water are an obvious example, Compression and rarefaction in the propagation of sound, Transmission of all electromagnetic radiation, Vibrations of strings in musical instruments, Bodies "bouncing" on a spring. Also, more complicated motion can be modelled by a superposition of many sine waves (using Fourier transforms). This enables complex motions to be studied more easily.

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It means explain how electromagnetic waves are different than water and sound waves.

In terms of source what is the difference and similarities of sound waves and water waves?

Sound waves and water waves are similar in that they are both caused by vibrations and carry energy. They are different in that a sound waves are three dimensional, while water waves are just two dimensional.

Are light waves and water waves examples of transverse waves?

Yes (but not sound in water)

What are 3 catigories of waves?

water waves, light waves, and sound waves

Which is a better for transporting sound waves air or water?

Water, the denser the substance, the better it is at carrying sound waves.

What is the name of sound waves that move through water?

They are called sound waves. Their name does not change just because they travel in water.

How are sound waves and water waves same?

they both are types of waves.

What is the form that sound takes when it travels through air or water?

Waves, sound-waves

How are sound waves and water waves?

Two main ways. First water waves are essentially two dimensional, i.e. on the surface of water, and sound waves are three dimensional - they (generally) spread out in all directions from the source of the sound. Second water waves are up and down undulations in the water, and are therefore at right angles to the direction of motion (transverse waves). Sound waves are compressions and rarefactions in the same direction as the direction of motion (longitudinal waves).