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bacically i asked this question from u so u should answer it not i..........

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Q: How sparrow feed and digest food?
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Related questions

What food should you feed a sparrow?

Sparrow's feed mostly on seed but you can give them live worms/maggots as well.

What do you feed a newborn sparrow?

A newborn sparrow can be fed dry cat food or dog food soaked in water until it is mushy. A little bit turkey baby food can be added into the mixture also.

How does an absorptive heterotroph feed?

absorptive heterotroph digest food first and then absorb it, so thats how they feed

How an absorptive heterotrophs feed?

absorptive heterotroph digest food first and then absorb it, so thats how they feed

Doing which of these will help an older horse digest their food better?

Grinding the feed

What food should you feed Baby bunnies?

goat milk, it is easier to digest

How do you feed a sparrow?

Use an eye drop and give it some water and some bird food or oats

How do Hawk feed their young?

Hawks feed their young in the same way that other birds feed their young. They digest the food and spit it into their young's mouth.

How long does it take for a cow to digest its food?

It will take an average of about 24-72 hours for a cow to fully digest their feed from mouth to anus.

How do you rear a baby sparrow?

feed it with worms or small dead insects never give it water for it get's it from the food they ate. feed it at least an insect every 2 hours.

Should you feed a baby sparrow a bottle?


Do protist only make their own food?

No. Flagellates use their flagella to filter feed. Other protists can engulf food and digest it internally.