

How standard atmospheric pressure is related to pascal?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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1 atm (standard atmospheric pressure) is 101,325 kPa.

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Q: How standard atmospheric pressure is related to pascal?
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Whic unit measure atmospheric pressure?

The SI unit for pressure is the Pascal.

What is one pascal of presure?

1 pascal = 1 newton/square meter. For comparison, the atmospheric pressure is about 100,000 pascal.

What is the uint of pressure?

There are several, of course. The SI unit is the pascal; 1 pascal is 1 newton per square meter. For comparison, the atmospheric pressure is about 100,000 pascal.

What is larger atmospheric pressure or sound pressure?

Atmospheric pressure is around 101325 pascals. Usual talking is around 0.04 pascal. You see what is larger.

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What is the atmospheric pressure of Mars?

The atmospheric pressure of Mars is 600 pascal or (0.087 psi) You're Welcome :D

What unit is pressure measured?

Pressure is often measure in units of force per area. In the standard system of units, the SI, that would be Newton / meter2 - this unit is also called Pascal. Other commonly used units are bar (equal 100,000 Pascal), and atmosphere (the atmospheric pressure under standard conditions - close to one bar).

What is pressure equal to?

Pressure = force divided by area p = F / A.

What is the unit of measurement for pressure?

The pascal (Pa) is the standard unit of pressure.

One ATM equals standard ATMospheric pressure at sea level Choose the correct measure of one ATM?

Atmospheric pressure refers to the force per unit area exerted against a surface by the weight of air above that surface in the Earth's atmosphere. The standard atmosphere (symbol: atm) is a unit of pressure at sea level and is equal to 101325 Pascal.

The pascal is a metric unit for measuring what?

A pascal is a measurement of pressure, equal to one Newton per square metre. To compare, atmospheric pressure at sea level is 101325 pascals. ■

What is the definition of kilopascal?

One thousand pascals. A pascal is a unit of atmospheric pressure or pressure generally. There is about 7 kilopascals in one psi. The atmospheric pressure at sea level is approximately one hundred kilopascals.