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I sincerely believe there must be a "Re-Examination on the Inverse Square Laws and its Relationship to the Guassian Laws on the Electrostatic Equilibrium on Surfaces." (see Paper pub. Prudue University 2007 at the ESA Meeting. It is becoming clear when we confirmed on July 18, 1996 (NYTms) that inside the Earth the magntic ball was solid and that the possiblities of the Electrostatic, Magnetic and Gravity now may be all unified as on field. Roland

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Q: How strong are electrostatic attractions compared to gravity?
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How strong is the gravity on the moon compared to the earth?

Lunar gravity is one-sixth as strong as Earth's gravity.

How strong is the gravity on Mars?

Surface gravity on mars is 0.376 compared to that of the earth.

Is gravity strong?

No. Compared with the other basic forces, gravity is remarkably weak.

What force exist in nature?

-- gravity -- electrostatic force -- weak nuclear force -- strong nuclear force

Is the gravity on earth strong or weak?

Compared to the moon, it's pretty strong. Compared to Jupiter, it's pretty weak.

What is moons gravity compared to earth?

16.55% as strong on the surface.

How strong is the gravity compared with earths gravity?

The question neglects to mention what other place it wants compared to Earth, so no comparison is possible.

How strong is the Earth's gravity compared to the moon?

you can go places better because it don't have much gravity

IS the electrostaic force not as strong as the gravitational force?

Electrostatic force IS stronger than gravitational force because the electrostatic force between a charged straw (which has been rubbed with a cloth) can defy gravity and stick to the ceiling.

The force that pulls objects toward each other is called?

That can be gravity, electrostatic force, magnetic force, or strong nuclear force. As you've described it in the question, the only thing you can call it for sure is "mutual force of attraction".

Describe the Three types of force that affects objects?

The three types of force in nature are . . . -- gravity -- electrostatic -- magnetic -- strong nuclear -- weak nuclear

Does earth have strong or weak gravity?

Because of Earth's size, and considering it as one of the smallest planets, it has a weak gravity compared to the OTHER planets. Most planets have greater gravity because of their size. Earth has a stronger gravity compared to mars, mercury, and venus.