

How strong are the magnets in electronics?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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Magnets of different strength are used.

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Q: How strong are the magnets in electronics?
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How are magnets is in electronics?

They have a battery that battery has magnet

Why are electromagnets used in so many electronic devices?

Because they are magnets and electronics stick to magnets

What is one of the things people use magnets for in every day life?

Sticking things on refrigerators, some toys have magnets, there are magnets in computers and in TVs, certain doors have magnets, and most electronics have magnets.

What is the difference between electronics and electromagnetism?

Electronics use electricity for power while electromagnets are magnets created by electricity.

Where are magnets most strong at?

at the poles

Are rusty magnets as strong as magnets that are not rusty?

The Rust affects the magnet. The magnetic energy won't work as well cause it has to work thru the rust. So no, rusty magnets are not as strong as a nonrusty magnet

How strong are magnets?

depends on the size of the magnet

How do you pull apart powerful magnets?

Some magnets are stronger than others, making them harder to pull apart. For strong magnets, you can pull the magnets sideways to get them apart.

Why magnets not placed near cellphones?

magnets are strong and if you put a cell phone near it, it might damage it

Can magnets attract through rubber?

yes, yes they can. well depends on how thick the rubber is and how strong the magnets are

Why are magnets strong?

by the forces of the nagitve and positive attractions

What electronics uses magnets?

televisions motors , refrigerator , fans , coolers , A.Cs and much more.