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Q: How strong is the Mercury and magnetic field compared to the Earth?
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Why does mercury have a strong magnetic field?

That's easy because it doesn't. Mercury's magnetic field is only about 1% that of Earth.

What creates a planet's magnetic field?

The dynamo. For terrestrial planets, the dynamo is a molten core of nickel-iron. Mercury and Earth have fairly strong dynamos and therefore fairly strong magnetic fields. Venus and Mars do not, and have only weak magnetic fields.

What is the math for mercury gravity compared to earth?

mercury gravity: earth gravity

What is mercury's composition compared with earth?

The composition of mercury is solid as well as earth.

What is Mercury's gravity compared to Earth?

Mercury's gravity is 38% that of Earth.

Is Mercury's year slow or fast?

Compared to Earth, Mercury has a very fast year. It is 88 Earth days compared to Earth's 365.25 days.

Does earth have strong or weak gravity?

Because of Earth's size, and considering it as one of the smallest planets, it has a weak gravity compared to the OTHER planets. Most planets have greater gravity because of their size. Earth has a stronger gravity compared to mars, mercury, and venus.

What is the Mercurys atmosphere compared to earth?

Mercury has no atmosphere.

Earth has a strong magnetic field and is essentially a big magnet Where are the magnetic fields strongest on Earth?

Algeria haha

What is the magnetic strength of moon?

The moon does not have a dipolar magnetic field and its external magnetic field is quite weak when compared to that of the Earth.

What is mercury's period of revolution?

Mercury takes 88 Earth days to go around the Sun, but strangely, its day is twice as long taking 176 Earth days to rotate just once! Mercury's slow spin is evidence of why the planet has a magnetic field just 1% as strong as Earth's. (This may have been a very long answer)

About how long is a year on planet Mercury compared to Earth?

0.2408 of an Earth year.