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in every living creature, including humans, it is the strongest and moast basic instinct. the moast fundamental. so strong it is, that all creatures when being threatened will fight to the last, crum of food, drop of water, breath of air, the last beat of the heart. what ever it takes to live one more day and the chance to reproduce and carry on ones DNA to another genoration of offspring.

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The survival instinct is a powerful and fundamental drive that compels individuals to make decisions in order to protect themselves from harm and ensure their continued existence. It can manifest in various ways, such as fight or flight responses, seeking food and shelter, and avoiding threats. It is a deeply ingrained and instinctual motivation that influences human behavior in times of danger or crisis.

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What is killing instinct?

The killing instinct is an inherent behavior in animals that drives them to hunt, kill, and consume prey for survival. It is a natural instinct rooted in the need for food and self-preservation.

What color represents survival instinct?

The color red is often associated with survival instinct as it is the color of energy, strength, and determination. It can evoke feelings of alertness and urgency, similar to the heightened state that occurs during fight or flight responses.

Instinct approaches to motivation are most apparent in the theory of?

instinct approaches to motivation are most apparent in the theory of evolutionary psychology, which suggests that motivations are driven by survival and reproduction instincts that have evolved over time.

What are Freud two driven?

Sigmund Freud identified two primary drives or instincts that motivate human behavior: Eros (the life instinct) which drives behavior focused on survival, reproduction, and pleasure; and Thanatos (the death instinct) which drives aggressive and destructive behavior.

Is there a distinction between 'instinct' and 'impulse'?

Yes, there is a distinction between instinct and impulse. Instinct is a natural, innate behavior that is typically unlearned and automatic, while impulse is a sudden, involuntary urge to act, often driven by emotional or immediate factors. Instincts are more complex and rooted in biological survival mechanisms, while impulses are more immediate and tied to emotional or mental processes.

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How do you spell selfpresivation?

The survival instinct is spelled "self preservation".

In physcology what is the survival instinct theory?

keep oneself safe

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Homeostasis is the body's ability to regulate internal conditions, such as temperature, pH, and blood glucose levels, to maintain a stable and balanced state. This is achieved through feedback mechanisms that involve sensors, control systems, and effectors working together to detect and correct deviations from the set point. If the body temperature rises, for example, the body will respond by sweating to lower the temperature back to the normal range.

What are the ratings and certificates for Star Trek Voyager - 1995 Survival Instinct 6-2?

Star Trek Voyager - 1995 Survival Instinct 6-2 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG

When does The Walking Dead survival instinct come out?

March 29 2013

Where did nationalism in japan come from?

The instinct for survival came from being on an island.

Can you give me a sentence using instinct?

The duckling started swimming out of instinct when she followed the rest of the flock into the lake for the first time. Your instinct when you touch something very very hot is to move your hand right away without thinking.

Would The Walking Dead survival instinct fit on a gb ps?

No Its to Small

Ethnocentrism is related to a basic survival instinct to differentiate friend from foe?


What is killing instinct?

The killing instinct is an inherent behavior in animals that drives them to hunt, kill, and consume prey for survival. It is a natural instinct rooted in the need for food and self-preservation.

What color represents survival instinct?

The color red is often associated with survival instinct as it is the color of energy, strength, and determination. It can evoke feelings of alertness and urgency, similar to the heightened state that occurs during fight or flight responses.

What animal represents survival?

humans, we are animals, we are the crown jewel of adaptation or what is known as intelligance, all that we are now is from basic survival instinct pushing us from the inside of caves to living in homes with running water, refridgorators and so on. it is the basic human survival instinct joined with a never endind thurst for understanding that makes humans the representatives of survival.