

How tall is Trunks?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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12y ago

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trunks sword in dbz is about 5 foot 9 inches (without hair) at 17 years old, then after he breaks his sword and trains with his dad, vegeta, he is about 5 foot 11 inches tall at age 20(also without hair)

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What do the trunks of redwoods look?

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Are tree trunks straight and branchless?

Tree trunks are straight and branchless in their lower parts in their efforts to grow tall.

Why do straight branchless trunks develop like this?

Tree trunks are straight and branchless in their lower parts in their efforts to grow tall.

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Elephant's trunks are very important for their survival. Since they are such tall heavy animals they need their trunks to be able to reach food and water. They also use their trunks like noses having a separate passage for breathing.

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What if future trunks met Trunks?

Future trunks does meet baby trunks, but it does not affect the future because baby trunks is too young to remember seeing himself.

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Is future Trunks broly?

No, Future Trunks is future Trunks. Broly is Broly

Why do trees in tropical rainforests have tall straight trunks?

Tree trunks are straight and branchless Tree trunks are straight and branchless in the rainforest because, so that they can grow tall. As their efforts can be on growing tall not having branches near the bottom. More water falls down on the top of the tree. Therefore,they put their efforts in growing tall so that gain most water. Simply, the trees are close together and grow towards the light only the tops receive light so the lower branches die off because of lack of the aforesaid light. The water supply to the trees is drawn up by the roots.

How does trunks become future trunks?

he doesnt future trunks comes back into the past