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I think I've read somewhere that there was one that was 41 inches high at shoulder but not for sure.

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Q: How tall is the tallest Irish wolfhound in the world?
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What is the worlds tallest breed of dog?

The Irish Wolfhound is the tallest dog breed in the world. It can measure around 32 inches tall as opposed to the great dane's 27 inches.

What is tallest dog living?

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the 2011 World's Biggest Dog is George, a purebred Great Dane. He weighs nearly 18 stone and stretches 7 foot long from nose to tail. He is nearly 4 foot high at the shoulder.

How tall is the world's tallest dog What Breed is it?

While not the most massive overall, the tallest breed on average (with all four feet on the ground) is the Irish Wolfhound. Males stand up to 36 inches (95 cm) tall at the withers; making them near four feet tall at the top of the head.

Are great danes the biggest dog?

The great dane is the second biggest dog in the worldYes and no. Yes, because on average, the Irish Wolfhound is taller than the Great Dane with male Irish Wolfhounds typically averaging around 32-34 inches tall and Male Great Danes averaging probably around 30-32 inches tall. Meaning if you go find an ordinary Irish Wolfhound, and then go find an ordinary Great Dane, most likely the Irish Wolfhound will be taller. Although, Great Danes tend to greatly exceed their average height while Irish Wolfhounds do not, with basically all of the tallest dog in the world contenders being Great Danes, the tallest the dog in the world being a 44 inch tall Great Dane named "Zeus" recognized by the Guinness World Records after the death of a 43 inch tall dog nicknamed "Giant George", who was also a Great Dane.

What is the tallset species of dog?

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the tallest dog is Giant George, a Great Dane who weighed in at over 245 pounds and stands 43 inches tall. That said, the tallest breed is Irish Wolfhound. The males of that breed go 3 ft tall at shoulder, or taller.

What is a big dog?

The largest breed of dog is the Irish Wolfhound, growing to about 3 feet tall.

Are Irish people small?

Some Irish are small and some are tall. It cannot be said to be one way or another. They are not the tallest in the world, but they are not the smallest either.

How tall is the tallest maple tree in the world?

The tallest maple tree in the world is approximately 165 feet tall.

What is height of world biggest dog?

The Irish Wolfhound, standing on its hind legs, can reach over seven feet tall. Standing on all fours, shoulder height may approach three feet.

What does a foxhound look like?

If you have seen the movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and have seen Sirius Black at the train station in dog form, that is an exact version of an Irish Wolfhound, only in the color of black when the Irish Wolfhound is grayish-brownish-blackish.

Who is the world's tallest boy?

The world's tallest boy is 9 feet tall actually the tallest boy in the world is brenden Adams and hes 7,4.5 inches tall and hes only 13

How tall is the tallest flower in the world?

it is 10ft tall.