

How tall should I be to ride a yz250f?

Updated: 8/29/2023
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8y ago

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I'm 5'7 and I have a kx250f it is just right for me but you want to make sure that the weight of the bike isn't too much for you because I you fall off you want to make sure YOU are able to pick it back up hope this answered your question good luck :)

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14y ago

5'8 is an ideal height but a rider 5'4 can manage with the suspension set up to suit and the seat trimmed down

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12y ago

Around 5'7, If you're any shorter and you can't touch and you're not comfortable with not touching the ground you can always get the suspension lowered and/or get the seat foam shaved down.

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12y ago

At least 5,4 5,5 depends really but of you get a big wheel kit then 5,7 5,8

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about 3 feet

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