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1001 feet

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Q: How tall the tree of wisdom does tohot cheat work?
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Is tohot is a real cheat in plants vs zombie?

Only if you grow your tree of wisdom to 600 ft

On pvz tohot cheat doesnt work?

You need to be at a certain height with the wisdom tree. I don't know how many feet but I'm still Lookin too.

How can you use the tohot code in plant vs zombies?

I am not very sure ATM.., Possibilities:... 1. Get wisdom tree to 600ft.. 2. popcap shut the cheat down... 3. u can open up cheat engine

How tall is tree of wisdom have to be before you can use the cheat dance?

The answer is not 1,000

What is the cheat for 1000 feet tree of wisdom on Plants vs Zombies?

when your tree is 1000ft tall you unlock the cheat pinata. when the zombies die candy appears.

How tall does your wisdom tree have to be to us the to hot cheat in plan ts vs zombies?


How may feet tall of tree of wisdom in Plants vs Zombies was the cheat dance appear?

You have no life. Why would I answer this.

How can you use Slowboke in Plants vs Zombies?

The slowboke cheat is not working because when i had 1,000,000,000,000 it is not working. I use cheat engine to have trillion tall of tree of wisdom :D

How tall does the tree of wisdom grows?


Is there any growing cheat for tree of wisdom in plant vs zombies?


What is the code for Michael Jackson cheat in Plants vs Zombies?

Michael Jackson no it is dance. the code is dance. but if you don't have a tall enough tree of wisdom the code won't work.

How do you input cheat codes on Plants vs Zombies without a tree of life?

You can't. And it's the tree of wisdom, not the tree of life.