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it helps people to learn about our agriculture and other things like sewing ,cooking,

hope you understand!!??!!

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Q: How the TLE subject helps to people?
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How the TLE subject helps people community economy and your country?

T.L.E. helps us in our economy by teaching other people to do hard works like planting trees.

Why is TLE is important?

TLE is important because though TLE we are learning how to do household and also we are learning how to be self relient

What is the main objective of tle as a subject?

There is no word 'tle' in English. Check the spelling and ask your question again.

What do you mean by exploratory in t. l.e subject?

explore the TLE subject.

What is the meaning of TLE(subject)?

Technology and Livelihood Education.

What is the importance of tle?

TLE teaches people how to live on their own. It teaches them how to do household chores as well as be self reliant.

Why TLE is considered as a skill subject?

European Qualifications Framework

What is TLE as a subject?

T.L.E is a subject about home economics,family values,anything about basic living

why tle is a important subject?

Beacause we can learn anything in Dress making

Why is TLE subject is important?

Beacause we can learn anything in Dress making

What is the importance of studying tle?

Studying Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) is important because it equips students with practical skills and knowledge that are essential for their future careers or entrepreneurial pursuits. TLE courses help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills while also fostering creativity and innovation. Additionally, TLE can provide students with hands-on experiences that prepare them for the workforce and help them contribute to the development of their communities.

What are the syllables in the word gentle?

Gen-Tle What an interesting question, hope it helps! .XXX