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Q: How the colloid osmotic pressure stay same in capillary?
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How do net hydrostatic pressure and net osmotic pressure each change along the length of a capillary?

Net osmotic pressure stays about the same and net hydrostatic pressure decreases.

Why Albumin and Glucose have the same osmotic pressure?

Albumin and glucose have the same osmotic pressure because they are isotonic compounds.

What is Starling's Law of the capillaries?

The hypothesis that fluid filtration through capillary membranes is dependent on the balance between the pressure the blood places on the membranes and the osmotic pressure of the membranes. The law relating to the passage of fluid out of a capillary depending on the hydrostatic and osmotic pressures of the blood and the same pressures of tissue fluid, the net effect of the opposing pressures determining the direction and rate of flow.

Because net inward pressure in venular capillary ends is less than net outward pressure of the arteriolar ends of capillaries?

The net inward pressure in venular capillary ends is less than the net outward pressure in arteriolar ends of capillaries because of two main factors: the hydrostatic pressure and the osmotic pressure. In venular capillary ends, the hydrostatic pressure is reduced due to the resistance of the venous system, while the osmotic pressure remains constant. In arteriolar ends, the hydrostatic pressure is higher due to the force exerted by the heart and the osmotic pressure remains the same. As a result, more fluid is filtered out of the capillaries at the arteriolar ends than is reabsorbed at the venular ends.

What causes excess fluid in the interstitial compartment?

There is hydrostatic pressure within the capillary pushing the fluid out because fluid will always flow from high pressure to low pressure. At the same time there is something called blood colloid osmotic pressure which is the formed elements and larger plasma components such as proteins drawing fluid back into the capillary lumen by osmosis. The end result is that nearly just as much fluid that is filtered out at one end is reabsorbed by the time it reaches the other end. This is known as Starlings Law of the capillaries.What little excess isn't reabsorbed by the capillary will be picked up and returned to the cardiovascular system through the lymphatic system.

Describe the exchange of substances across the capillary cell membrane?

Capillary exchange... You have a higher blood pressure and a lower osmotic pressure at the arteriole end of the capillary, this causes water to leave the capillary. The gases oxygen and carbon dioxide and nutrients like glucose and amino acids follow their concentration gradients and diffuse across the capillary membrane. At the venule end of a capillary your blood pressure is less than that of osmotic pressure and water returns to the capillary.Hope this helped. I'm Looking for diagrams of this same thing. Any ideas?Here is a website I found that might help out too.

Solutions that have the same osmotic pressure are called .?

Solutions having the same osmotic pressures are called isotonic solutions

Why there is oncotic pressure difference between atrtereoles and venules?

Oncotic pressure is the pressure exerted by colloid particles. As colloid particles do NOT leave the blood vessels oncotic pressure is SAME in arteriole and venules.

What is saline solution percent has same osmotic pressure as erythrocytes?


How does potassium affect osmotic pressure?

same as other ions. Note that in your body potassium salts within cells balances the osmotic pressure of sodium salts in the extracellular fluid.

What is The pressure exerted against the cell membrane and cell wall known as?

hydrostatic pressure or turgor (same thing)

What is isotonic pressure?

A term applied when two solutions have identical concentrations of of solute molecules and hence the same osmotic pressure, or isotonic pressure.