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Q: How the course of events went from being a local conflict to a world war Russia refused to organize its troops for an attack against Austria. German troops used Belgium to gain access to France. Russi?
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How did the course of events go from being a local conflict to a war in WW1?

Russia refused to organize its troops for an attack against Austria

What was the main reason Germany and Britain went to war in 1914?

The Assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand Ferdinand's death only explains why Austria and Serbia went to war. Britain came into the conflict against Germany because of Germany's invasion of Belgium.

Why did entente powers join the world war 1?

Russia was the country widen the Austro-Serbian conflict into a full-scale regional war when it came to little Serbia's defense against empiric Austria-Hungary. France joined the war because of its alliance with Russia and the projected German invasion. Britain came in when Belgium was invaded by Germany, who violated a treaty that compelled Britain's defense of Belgium in such a case.

What was the result of the conflict of members of the informal coalition that took up arms against France?

Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain, & the Dutch Republic

What are some of the themes that caused world war 1?

world war one started because Serbia was plotting against Austria and in 1914 assainated Arch duke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria. Austria invaded Serbia, who were friends with russia, Germany backed austria, France backed russia, belgium backed France and Britain backed belgium. very complicated but that assasination on franz ferdiand caused 20 million deaths. hope i helped answer your question

What countries fought each other in world war 1?

It was the Allied forces which where made up of Britain, France, Belgium, US and Canada against Germany and Austria-Hungary.

List the members of the informal coalition that took up arms against France What was the result of this conflict?

Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain, & the Dutch Republic

How did pan-slav movement lead to a conflict between russia and Austria?

The slavs were a separate community scattered over many countries of Europe.The pan- slav movement was a movement encouraged by Russian czar to increase their hold over the Balkan states once these states became free from the ottoman Empire. In Austria-Hungry the slavs were also residing who were against Austria as well.This created bad blood between Russia and Austria as their iintrests clashed so as the Balkan states were concerned.This led to the conflict between Russia and Austria.

Where did John C Fremont try to organize an Anglo revolt against Mexico?

He tried to organize a revolt against Mexico in California.

Where did the Germans invade to start world war 1?

The question as posed does not really make sense. It was the Russian defense of Serbia against Austria-Hungary's invasion that started World War 1. The German declaration of war against Russia then triggered the alliance of the Triple Entente, expanding the reach of the conflict. Once the Triple Entente was involved, the Germans wanted to invade France. But in order to do so and outflank the French forces on the German/French border, they had to invade the north of France, going first through Belgium. So Belgium was the first country to be invaded.

What role did itlay play in world war 1?

Italy fought against Austria-Hungary when the larger country invaded northern Italian provinces. Germany later participated in this conflict.

Where did John C Frémont try to organize an Anglo revolt against Mexico?

He tried to organize a revolt against Mexico in California.