

How the wasps protects or defends itself from its enemies?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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With the stinger on its behind, it strikes the attacker with the needle- like spike. mind you, it hurts ALOT.

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Q: How the wasps protects or defends itself from its enemies?
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How does wasps defends itself from enemies?

Wasps sting their attackers continuously

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Wasps can symbolized unchecked aggression. The wasp is a seemingly angry, fearful creature that viciously defends itself and the hive at all costs.

Explain how did a wasp protect or defends itself from its enemies?

Wasps, or Yellowjackets, posses a large stinger. They use it on any threats to itself or the hive, no matter the size. They inject venom to produce a stinging pain. It can kill/knock out insects, but anything bigger than that justs gets an unpleasant pinch. You'd know this if you'd been stung as many times as I have

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Enemies of wasps include a variety of invertebrates such as various species of dragonflies, hornets, centipedes, beetles, moths and spiders; birds such as blackbirds, magpies, starlings and wrens; and mammals such as bats, badgers, skunks, weasels and rats.

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Predators are birds, reptiles, and bigger spiders. There are also parasitic wasps that lay their eggs in spiders.

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Anything that isn't fooled by their camoflage and small nature; mantids, wasps, jumping spiders, other crab spiders, etc.

What are Red Wasps?

Red wasps are wasps that are red and they will sting you in the balls.