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New hearing aids are very reliable and have good accuracy with hearing.

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Q: How tiny or invisible are the latest hearing aids?
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Can i repair hearing aids at home?

Repair is best left to professionals because of the tiny parts that are inside the hearing aid. Some issues can be taken care of at home, clogged microphone and reciever holes can be cleaned. This will help the performance of the hearing aid.

Why are hearing aids used?

Wherever a person lost his/her hearing capabilities he uses a device to improve his/her hearing capabilities.that device is hearing aids. hearing aids are digital devices that can improve the persons hearing capabilities significantly.they are an absolute boon for hearing impaired.If you are looking for the best hearing aids in Delhi then Tarang Speech and hearing clinic should be the first and the last stop you should take.

Hearing aid where to send for repair?

Hearing aids are tiny marvels of technology. Despite their small size, they contain a lot of sophisticated parts and perform many advanced functions every second. If you suspect your hearing aids need to be repaired, try these steps before calling your hearing healthcare professional. Visit : Denoc Hearing Aid Chennai

How to Care for Hearing Aids?

Upon the purchase of expensive hearing aids, the new hearing aid owner is now ready to learn to care for this investment. If properly cared for, hearing aids will perform as needed and last the owner quite awhile. The first rule of caring for hearing aids is simple: no water or moisture of any kind. Keep the hearing aids dry at all times. This means no showering, bathing or swimming while wearing hearing aids. Doing so will result in certain death of the instrument. In addition to water, other moisture such as rain should also be kept away from hearing aids. On rainy days, be sure to have some sort of covering to protect the equipment from the rain. Umbrellas or hats can protect the investment in the event of rain. The above no moisture rule applies to any type of hair products as well. Never apply hairspray, mousse or other hair styling products while wearing the hearing aids. These substances can cause clogging; can compromise the integrity of the hearing aid and even cause the mechanisms inside to stop working altogether. In maintaining the hearing aids to ensure they are working properly, there are several daily tasks to perform. Every day simply wipe down the entire hearing aids with a dry cloth. This will remove any loose dust or dirt that could damage the equipment and cause it to work improperly or even break. Keep the hearing aids in a temperature controlled environment, not too hot and not too cold. Never, ever leave the hearing aids in the car when the weather is at any extreme. At night, when placing the hearing aids somewhere safe before sleep, wipe them dry carefully and check for any wax buildup in the ear mold. If there is any wax buildup, use of a tiny wire tool given by the hearing aid professional can efficiently and harmlessly remove the buildup. Then open the battery compartment door and leave it open overnight. Leaving the battery compartment door open will allow any moisture that might be trapped inside to escape and therefore not harm the fragile inner workings of the hearing aids. By attending to careful care of hearing aids, this equipment will hopefully do its job well and be a good investment for the hearing aid owner.

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Different Types Of Hearing Aids ?

Hearing disorders affect a large number of people in all different age groups. Hearing problems can be due to heredity or a serious injury, and it is not uncommon for adults to suffer from hearing loss as they get older. Some other causes for hearing loss are a build up of ear wax, and prolonged exposure to loud noises. While this is a serious disorder that can have a vital impact on the patient's quality of life, many of them are unwilling to try hearing aids of any kind. Research shows that at least one third of senior citizens between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-five experience hearing loss to some degree. Hearing loss does not have to interfere with your everyday activities. With the micro hearing aids that are available today, those who have hearing problems can feel comfortable with a tiny device that can barely be seen by others. They are easy to operate and hearing aid batteries are simple to install. Hearing aids can be found in a variety of different types such as behind the ear, in the ear, open fit, inserted partially in the canal, and inserted completely inside the canal. Each type offers benefits that should be discussed with your health care provider. The type of hearing aid recommended by health care professionals will be determined by the extent of the patient's hearing loss. Behind the ear, or BTE models sit directly behind the ear and is connected to a small tube inside the ear canal. The volume can be manually adjusted, and hearing aid batteries can be readily purchased from a variety of different stores. They are used in moderate to severe cases of hearing loss. Some things to consider when choosing hearing aids are size and visibility, and the warranty for the device, as well as the hearing aid batteries. You should also check your health insurance to make sure your hearing aid will be covered. Hearing aids are available in both analog and digital models. Analog hearing aids can not clearly distinguish different sounds. All sounds are equally amplified, which can make the volume too loud, or the sounds may not be heard at all. Digital hearing aids are rather expensive, but they are designed to produce accurate and clear sound. Disposable hearing aids with built-in batteries can also be purchased. Simply discard the entire device when the batteries die out.

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Who originally purposed the concept that matter is composed of tiny invisible particles?

The Greek philosopher Democritus

What is analog hearing aid?

Analog: "a mechanism in which data is represented by continuously variable physical quantities," Webster. Analog is how the natural world works. We hear and see things in an analog manner. That is to say, in constantly changing, but always connected, waves. Sound appears continuous to our ears. The fact is during average speech there are many stops, starts, gaps and pauses. We only "hear" speech as a continuous sound; regardless of the tiny stops and starts. Additionally, the connected wave of sound that we hear is always changing in strength (volume). Analog hearing aids process sound in a continuous wave. This means quite simply that sound passes through an analog amplifier unbroken. It may get a little bent as it changes from sound waves to electrical waves and back again, but it retains the flow of the original sound wave. Hearing aids remained almost unchanged from 1940 until 1993. Sound quality got better and the parts got smaller, however, the way they worked was unchanged. Analog hearing aids are good at boosting volume but they do very little to help reshape and control sound in a way that provides needed flexibility by the hearing impaired. Analog hearing aids are simple devices. The have simple electronic parts. You could buy the parts to build an analog hearing aid at a Radio Shack. They've been available for decades. Most hearing aid manufactures are no longer making analog hearing aids. For good reason, it costs just as much to make an analog as it does to make an entry level digital. Digital hearing aids work just like computer music. Computerized music, CDs, mp3s, etc all take sound and break it up into little bites (bytes) of information stored as a mathematical equation. The digital computer in the hearing aid can then add or subtract values from those little equations. When the computer puts the numbers back together sound has been altered. Ideally, in a manner that improves your ability to understand speech. There is nothing magic about the term digital. It simply means the sound is handled like any computerized device. It can be very good; It can be very bad. Although digital hearing aids can provide a vastly better hearing experience, they have to be correctly programmed. Analog hearing aids were built at the factory and came "fixed" to the fitter. The fitter could not make many alterations to the output of the instrument. Digitals come as a blank sheet of paper. It's up to the hearing aid fitter to shape the output of the hearing aid. If the digital hearing instrument is well programmed you will have an awesome experience. If it is not, it can be as useless as sticking a rock in your ear.

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Why should you protect your hearing?

If you don't protect your hearing, your hearing will get worse...and worse...and worse... there are little tiny hairs in your ears and loud noise will damage them. The more hairs tht are damaged, the worse your hearing will be. Hope this helps:)

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micro organisms are very tiny, invisible to the naked eye