

How to Sort values in ascending order in java?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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// If your values are stored in an array...


// If they're stored in a List...


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Q: How to Sort values in ascending order in java?
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Make use of Java's robust library: // filled with various ints int[] a; // temporary variable for swapping values int temp; // sort with fast, built-in algorithm java.util.Arrays.sort(a); // reverse the array for( int i = 0; i < a.length/2; ++i ) { temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[a.length - i - 1]; a[a.length - i - 1] = temp; } Obviously, if you're concerned with execution speed you could write your own sort method which would sort into descending order instead of ascending order (perhaps by modifying Java's sort algorithm).

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You can also use the Collections.sort() method to sort values in an array list. You can also use the Comparable Interface or Comparators for providing custom implementations of sorting algorithms for values inside an ArrayList.

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The simplest would be to put the numbers into an int[] (integer array) and pass that to java.util.Arrays.sort(int[]) (a static method), which will sort the array in ascending numerical order. Use a float[] or double[] if you need to sort non-whole numbers. You can also use the Collections.sort(List) method to sort the List directly. Or the Collections.sort(List, Comparator) if you wish to specify your own sorting criteria.

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How to write Short Java program to sort a sequence of numbers 2345 12 1 111 in ascending order?

Do you mean how do you write a Java program to print out those numbers in ascending order? Because you have specified thosenumbers, I can only assume that the following will suffice:-public int main( String[] args ){System.out.println( "0.235 4.62 7.25 7.89 23.5" );}If you want to know how to sort a general array into ascending order, try Google for sorting algorithms, such as "bubble sort", "insertion sort", "heap sort", "quick sort" etc.

Ascending order program for java?

public class BubbleSortAscendingOrderDemo { public static void main(String a[]) { //Numbers which need to be sorted int numbers[] = {23,5,23,1,7,12,3,34,0}; //Displaying the numbers before sorting System.out.print("Before sorting, numbers are "); for(int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { System.out.print(numbers[i]+" "); } System.out.println(); //Sorting in ascending order using bubble sort bubbleSortInAscendingOrder(numbers); //Displaying the numbers after sorting System.out.print("Before sorting, numbers are "); for(int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { System.out.print(numbers[i]+" "); } }

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