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If you want to get a male fighting fish it is best to have them in a small tank alone because they are quite aggressive and can kill or harm other fish, even their own kind.
Females can sometimes be kept together in groups of four or more, although it is best to only do this once you get to know your fighting fish a bit better and understand their temperaments.

Before you get your fish clean out their tank/bowl (It is best not to use any chemicals because they can toxicate the water). Fill the tank/bowl with fresh rain water, as in some towns the tap water contains many harmful chemicals for a fish. It is good to add a few drops (following the directions on the bottle) of water treatment, to neutralize the chemicals in the water and make sure that it is well balanced for your fish. You can buy water treatment (sometimes known as conditioner) from your local pet store (the one you got the fish from).

Fighting Fish are quite intelligent, and, just like humans, can get bored easily. A few tank decorations are perfect for keeping your fighting fish happy and occupied. Here are some ideas for decorating the tank:
- Make an interesting backdrop for the tank, to brighten it up. You could make a collage with cutouts from magazines, or just draw a scene for the background.
- Fighting Fish will love a few plants, as they are great for hiding in and make the tank a lot more interesting.
- Putting pebbles on the bottom of the tank is a good idea because they will hide all of the dirt, waste, and unwanted food for a while!
- Believe it or not, Fighting Fish enjoy toys, such as a ping pong ball that will float on the surface and that they can push around with their noses.
- Fighting fish also love bright colours and shiny objects to explore. What I have done with my Betta is wrap marbles in the colourful, shiny Easter egg wrappers, and my fish loves it!
- A few interesting shells or non harmful objects can make your tank look great and captivate the attention of your Fighting fish for years!
If you live in a particularly cold place, it is a good idea to set your tank up with a heater, because during the cold weather the fish will become very inactive and perhaps sick with the cold water.

Bettas can live in small bowls, but you need to do several things. 1) In anything less than 5 gallons, they will require 25% daily water changes and 100% every week. This is to keep ammonia levels down. Bettas constantly release their waste into the water as ammonia, which can kill them and burn their fins away. It takes a little more than a day for ammonia to reach a dangerous level in a 1 gallon, so please keep up with daily water changes. 2) Bettas are tropical fish and need a constant temperature between 76-82* F. you NEED to buy a water heater, or your fish will become lathargic, more prone to disease, and die. Bettas are very hardy fish and can live for upwards of a year in cold water with dangerously high ammonia levels, but can live for 3-5 years if you are willing to spend the $17 dollars for a preset heater at Wal-mart (unless you go with a bigger tank, then invest in an adjustable heater from a pet store) and take 5 minutes out of your day to change his water so its not poisoning him. Please see for more info on proper care for betta fish.

Feeding: I give my betta food named betta bites, they are good for the fish and he seems to like them. Sometimes bettas get picky about food and so was mine at first but then they get used to it. Some bettas will eat fish flakes, but the pellets made especially for the betta are the best for them and they also revive the colour in the betta. If your fish doesn't eat them at all try a different food. You can give them 2-3 pellets for starting, then you can go up to four pellets when your fish gets a little older and you can feed him twice a day.

How to feed them: You put your finger at the top of the bowl and when the fish comes to your finger drop the pellet and he eats it. Make sure not to feed the fish right away because you want them to swallow it, right? That's about it for this part and here is a thing you need to be cautious about when you clean the bowl.

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14y ago

Bettas, like any other tropical fish, thrive with a little variety in their diet. After all, you wouldn't want to eat the same thing every day, would you?

Start with a good pellet or flake made for bettas. We use Tetra BettaMin. As a treat a couple times a week feed them frozen bloodworms. We use Hikari Frozen Bloodworms. Once a week to help keep away Bloat, feed your betta the inside of a pea.


Chinese fighting fish, or bettas, should be fed a quality betta food once a day. My wife and I use betta bites, a granular food that is less messy, easier to portion correctly. We also give our betta dried blood worms once or twice a week. Do not over feed. A betta's stomach is about the size of its eye.

For variety (using the pellets as a base because they are made with all nutrients already) you can also feed them tiny bits of nori (seaweed) that you can buy inexpensively in the sushi supply area of a supermarket. Also, they love little bits of peas or edamame.

i give mine tropical food by terta & he loves it!!:)

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14y ago

Add a lot of aquarium plants. You don't have to plant them, floatings fine. They provide "cover". Fin nipping is often a warning that the fishes diet is lacking in protein or roughage or both. Their natural diet in the wild is insect larvae, daphnia and other water dwelling creatures that are small enough for the fish to swallow.

Many breeders feed Bettas exclusively on live food but in the home aquarium they should have live food of some type at least weekly.

** I agree with adding "cover". Depending on how many girls you have, have either one or 3+up. If they are nipping at each other, they are probably just establishing ranks and it will stop after some time. Just keep an eye on them.

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13y ago

Siamese fighting fish eat wrigglers also known as mosquito larvae. You can find them by looking in a puddle that has been there for a while or you can even look in a pond or a dam. If you are going to be keeping a Siamese fighting fish as a pet i suggest that you go to the nearest pet shop and they should sell fighting fish pellets or flakes.

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11y ago

A Betta needs to have its water at around 78F to 80F. It should also be fed at least twice daily as much as it can eat in 15 minutes. Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank need to have at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you follow the above rules your fish stand a chance of living a reasonable life span. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that you will have constant recurring heath problems with your fish.

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11y ago

Most other small to medium sized tropical fish are OK. Most Tetras most Rasboras most other Anabantids all Corydoras and most Danios should all be OK but try to avoid Barbs because they are likely to rip a Bettas fins to shreds.

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14y ago

Bettas are quiet, slow moving, retiring fish they have very small mouths. They can only harm fish that are very tiny like newborn, baby livebearers. Most other fish from the Tetra, Rasbora, Corydoras, Livebearer, Danio families and even Dwarf Cichlids like Rams can be kept with them. The important thing is to make sure you don't overstock the tank. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. :- Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week..

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12y ago

Get a big enough aquarium. Put a lid on it.

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12y ago

i think 78-82

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