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Q: How to convince someone that climate change is not a hoax?
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How does the biosphere affect climat echange?

Global worming and climate change doesn't exist. It is a hoax.

How do you write a sentence with the word climate in it?

You can use it as a noun: The climate in this nation is nice. My geography always talks about the climate of the country that we are studying. You can use it as an adjective: Some think that climate change is a hoax. Others think that the threat of climate change is dangerous.

What clues convince zenta he and tokubei are the victims of a clever hoax?

Zenta realizes he and Tokubei are victims of a hoax when he discovers discrepancies in the assassinations they were hired to commit. This includes inconsistencies in the targets' identities and the timing of the murders, leading Zenta to suspect that someone has been manipulating them for their own agenda.

What is a characteristic of a successful hoax?

The main characteristic of a successful hoax is that others believe it. You would be able to convince them that it is real. The whole point of a hoax is getting others to believe the premise of your hoax. If they call you a liar from the start or accuse you of being full of something brown and squishy, then you know they are not falling for it.

Does a hoax mean to deceive or defraud someone?

Yes. A hoax is "a deliberate deception or fraud".

Is the book 'The Shack' a hoax?

It is fiction, if that is what you mean. 'Hoax' implies that it is intentionally attempting to convince readers that something is true when it is not with the expectation of some gain or profit to the person who is perpetrating the hoax.

How much money do people make and using what off the global warming hoax?

The only people making money off "the global warming hoax" are the non-scientific naysayers that seek to conflate science with wishful thinking, constructing specious arguments using (at best) carefully selected facts taken out of context, and posting stupid questions like this. When 98% of the entire world's climatologists agree that (i) climate change is real; (ii) it is being accelerated by human introduction of increased concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere; and (iii) peer-reviewed experiments validating human-influenced climate change are easily replicated, then that's not a hoax - its science. [Nope, I didn't make a penny for writing this answer.]

How does a internet hoax start?

I would imagine someone starts it and passes it along.

Is a cyberspace hoax an attempt to make someone believe something that is untrue?


Is greenhouse effect is the other name of global warming?

Strictly speaking there is no other name for global warming."The whole earth heating up" might be another name.Global warming is causing climate change, so many people think they are both the same, so they say:"Climate change is another name for global warming", but they are not really the same.

What are some controversial statements?

"Abortion should be illegal under all circumstances." "Climate change is a hoax." "Vaccines cause autism." "Gender is strictly binary, with no room for variation."

What is the definition of Hoax?

Hoax is a trick or joke played on a person. It often has unintended consequences and in some cases can be illegal. The are sometimes used in connection with attempts to defraud someone.