

How to create a thread in C plus plus?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Not part of the language, platform-dependent.

Windows: CreateThread

Posix: pthread_create in pthread.h

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How to create a thread in c?

With pthread_create.

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You can create an exe-file from your C++ source, if you have a compiler.

What is thread in c language?

thread is not specific to C-language. Use wikipedia to find out what threads are, and use Posix Threads (or pthreadsfor short) to create multi-threaded programs in C

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No, a thread can't create aprocess, because the environment of the thread is a part of a process which created this thread.

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Use function mkdir.

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class class_name { private: data_members; public: member_functions; };

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A thread is basically a lightweight process.

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Use std::packaged_task (preferably) or std::thread to start a new thread. Use std::future (preferred), std::mutex or std::atomic to share information between threads.

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C++, but it's always worth learning both, if only to better understand the machine code you create with C++.

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It keeps the thread in position

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You declare a class as follows: class MyClass { //some stuff here... } You create an object as follows: MyClass object; This is how you create classes and objects in C++.

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You would have to use coding.