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do you mean the areas in Germany used for housing the Polish workers?

there were no ghettos for gentile Poles in Poland, only Jewish ghettos.

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Q: How to survive in the polish ghetto?
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How do you say ghetto in polish?

Ghetto = (polish) Getto.

What is polish ghettos?

For the most famous of these, look for the Warsaw Ghetto.

Segregated Jewish areas in Polish cities during World War 2?

Segregated Jewish areas in Polish cities were called Ghettos. Hope this helps :)

Where were Polish Jews forced to move into when World War 2 began?

neighborhoods referred to as the Ghetto.

What happened to the kids that lived in the Warsaw ghetto?

most of them would not survive the war.

Is using the word ghetto considered foul language?

not at all, the word "ghetto" is derived from the Polish meaning a private area, however, it also described the plight of the Jewish population in Poland during WWll when the Polish Jews were concentrated in one closed off area in Warsaw.

What materials did you need to survive the ghetto of the holocaust?

Food was the main thing, shelter and the potential for warmth.

How many children lived in the Lodz Ghetto during the Holocaust?

There were approximately 5,000-6,000 children who lived in the Lodz Ghetto during the Holocaust. Tragically, the majority of them did not survive. It is estimated that only around 900 children from the ghetto survived until the end of the war.

Did Anne Frank ever go to the Warsaw Ghetto?

No, the Warsaw Ghetto was for Polish Jews and had been completely destroyed over a year before Anne Frank was caught. She was sent to Westerbork transit camp and from there to Auschwitz.

Did abram korn survive the holocaust?

Yes he Did, he survived over 8 concentration camps and several Jewish ghetto imprisonments.

What was the Aryan side of the Warsaw ghetto?

The 'Aryan Side' was a simple way of referring to the non-Jewish side of the wall, in other words to the Polish section of Warsaw.

What was the biggest ghetto during the Holocaust?

The Warsaw ghetto was the largest ghetto in Poland. More than 400,000 Jewish people were shoved into 1.3 square miles. It was centered in the Polish capital, located in Nazi occupied Europe.