

How valuable is silicon?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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How much does Silicon cost?

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How much does Silicon cost?

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The price depends on the purity you require. The

Acroscatalog lists 100g of 99% pure Si at $36. The same amount of 99.9999% pure Si costs about $273.

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15y ago

I imagine that Silicon is worth a lot seeing as how it is used in microchips and solar devices and other modern technology. Minus all that stuff, it is also used in simple everyday stuff like glass (that's obvious) bricks, car engines, and such. Despite Silicon comes from sand (which is easily mined) I'm sure it is still expensive.

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11y ago

Silicon, aside from oxygen, is the most abundant element on the planet. It is worth absolutely nothing.

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14y ago

silicon is not to valuable . it is not to exspensive about 5.20 every pound.

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15y ago

A dollar a pound.

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