

How was Communsim is used?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How was Communsim is used?
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His political view was communsim

What was Russia like before communsim?

Russia was under a Tsar. One being Ivan the Terrible

What is the Domino?

The domino theory is that if one country falls into communsim, other neighboring countries will fall into communism.

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The domino theory is that if one country falls into communsim, other neighboring countries will fall into communism.

What did Chaiman Mao do for China?

Mao killed people that did not agree with his rule. he also helped communsim as a government develop.

The second stage of communsim is charaterized by the dictatorship of which group?

None. Communism is a democratic society without o state and no authority.

How did the Vietnam war stop communsim?

The Vietnam War didn't stop communism, it stalled them for awhile. TIME; with the exceptions of Communist (Red) China and North Korea, and presently Vietnam, (and possibly some other hold outs) destroyed communism.

Is Russia still under the influence of Communsim?

The fall of Communism and the collapse of the USSR occured in 1991. Russia is now a Parliamentary Democracy with a market economy. As with any system of belief, there will be supporters and detractors of what ever system is in place. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is still a political force, and there are still people who would prefer a return to the ways of the Soviet era.

Why was the Korean War Faught?

It was fought primarily because China was lost to communsim and figured that just by throwing money at it we would not stop the spread of cummunism. We also needed to prevent another nation from falling. When North Korea invaded South Korea we sent not only money but troops to stop the fall of South Korea. Thus getting the Korean War and keeping a nation free of evil communism.

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Roosevelt was charismatic, progressive, and sociable- Taft, however, was seen as the exact opposite, although many of his decisions in supreme court was found to be progressive

Where was communism practiced?

Contaray to public belief, communism technicaly doesn't exist. By definition, communism is the final stage of socialism where government seizes to exist. Many countries in Africa have no government, but this isn't communsim because that isn't n-government by design it is by civil war or war. But China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Korea claim to be communist but they are really Socialist.

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it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancerit is used for cancer it is used for cancer