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she was special because she loved him

They were cousins. When Albert got sick Elsa helped him.

Then later in life they married!

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Q: How was Elsa Einstein important in Albert Einstein's life?
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Who was Einsteins second wife?

Albert Einstein's second wife was his first cousin! Her name was Elsa Lowenthal.

Did Albert have children with Elsa Einstein?

No, Albert did not have children with Elsa Einstein.

What dates were important in Albert Einstein's life?

three important days in Albert Einsteins life were when he became the father of the atomatic bomb,when he got married to his cousin ,Elsa,. the last day is when he won the Noble Peace prize in 1921.

What were the names of Albert Einsteins kids?

Mileva Maric and his 2nd wife is Elsa Lowenthal----Albert Einstein had 3 kids with Mileva, Lieserl, Hans Albert, & Eduard.When he married his second wife Elsa, he joined her & her two kids.

How long was Albert Einstein married to Elsa Lowenthal?

Albert Einstein was married to Elsa Lowenthal for 17 years

What was Albert Einsteins wifes name?

His wifes name is..........................the problem is that he had one wife then got divorced and got remarried so first Mileve Maric then second was his cousin Elsa Lowenthal so this is his wivesanswerhe got married to his cousin that's all i know about it^ ALBERT EINSTEINS INCESSED?? EWWEEEE

Who married Albert Einstein?

Mileva Maric and Elsa Einstein

What did elsa teach Albert Einstein?

Elsa Lowenthal was Albert Einstein's second wife. She was a cousin who nursed him back to health following a serious illness in 1917. Elsa taught Albert the importance of health.

Did Albert Einstein and Elsa Einstein have kids?

Einstein wrote daily to his wife Elsa and adopted stepdaughters Margot and Ilse.

When did Albert Einstein get married and to whom?

Albert Einstein had gotten married to Elsa, and Meliva Maric

How many kids did Albert Einstein have with Elsa?

He had no children with elsa but they raised Albert children from his previous marriage 

When did albert Einstein get married to Elsa Einstein?

June 2, 1919