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It took thousands of Irish laborers with shovels and wheelbarrows to dig the canal in eight years.

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Q: How was Erie Canal made?
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Is the Erie canal man made or natural?

The Erie canal is 100% man made.

What uses were made of the older sections of the canal Erie Canal after being enlarged and rerouted?

After 1918 the Erie canal was later abandoned.

Who built the canal?

Dewitt Clinton made the Erie canal possible by helping fund it. Irish immigrants built the Erie canal.

The Erie Canal made what city a leading seaport?

The Erie Canal made New York City the leading seaport of America.

First major man-made canal in the US?

Erie Canal

How did the Erie canal affect trade in the mid Atlantic states region?

The Erie Canal made shipping 80% cheaper.

Where is the Erie cannal?

The Erie Canal is a man-made canal stretching from Albany, New York to Buffalo, New York.

What canal is between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario?

The Welland Canal.

What waterway connects the great lakes to the Gulf of Mexico?

The Erie Canal

When did the americans make the first man made canal?

US-Erie Canal 1825.

What are two man-made canals in the western hemisphere?

The Panama Canal and the Erie Canal.

Was the Erie Canal cemented?

The Erie Canal was not cemented.