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Q: How was Kushite writing during the later Kushite kingdom from what it had been in earlier Kushite?
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Why is the Twenty- fifth Dynasty significant in the history of Egypt?

i got this off my social studies textbook:The Kushite DynastyAfter Piankhi died, his brother Shabaka (SHAB-uh-kuh) took control of the kingdom. Shabaka then declared himself pharaoh. This declaration began the Twenty-fifth, or Kushite, Dynasty in Egypt. Shabaka and later rulers of his dynasty tried to restore old Egyptian cultural practices. Some of these practices had faded during Egypt's period of weakness. For example, Shabaka was buried in a pyramid. The Egyptians had stopped building pyramids for their rulers centuries before.The Kushite rulers of Egypt built new temples to Egyptian gods and restored old ones. They also worked to preserve Egyptian writings. As a result, Egyptian culture thrived during the Kushite dynasty.hope it helpe

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It was very strict and they did not tolerate inconvenience so for my project i am writing on i did my own answer

How did architecture change during the middle kingdom?

The middle kingdom used mud bricks covered with limestone in earlier kingdoms where they used great stone blocks. Sculptures of kings were realistically represented as mortal men unlike in the earlier kingdoms when stones were used in the place of limestones.

What are the achievement of middle kingdom?

The Middle Kingdom (1975-1640 BCE) was founded by Mentuhotep II. During the Middle Kingdom upper and lower Egypt were united and Thebes became the capital city of the Pharaohs. During this period the Egyptians also developed block style artwork, they irrigated Faiyum, increased harvests and told stories through writing.

During what kingdom did kings become know as pharaohs?

during the middle and new kingdom. :)

How did Egypt society change during the middle kingdom?

it changed when Amenemhet took over as pharaoh, Egypt became an empire

Who ruled during the new kingdom?

she ruled during the new kingdom she was the first female pharaoh

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Writing changed during the renaissance by the people developing their own writing called venacular

capital city of Egypt during the middle kingdom was?

The capital city of Egypt during the middle kingdom was Thebes.

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