

How was Napoleon Bonaparte and Louis 14TH alike?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Each made an effort to control even the most minute detail.

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Q: How was Napoleon Bonaparte and Louis 14TH alike?
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Louis the 15th, who reigned from 1715 to 1774. He was the great-grandson, and the successor, of Louis the 14th.

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Louis XIII of France lived from May 14th, 1610 to May 14th, 1643, dying on his 33rd birthday. He actually died of Tuberculosis.

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King Louis 14th made it illegal to practice any religion except Roman Catholicism. Napoleon had a defacto ban on religion at large as he was not supportive of it in his practices or policies.

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Louis XIV lived in the Palace of Versailles.

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King Louis XIV (14th)