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She told the suitors that when she was finished weaving a particular tapestry, she would marry one of them. She wove the tapesty by day and unravelled it by night, so that it was never completed.

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Q: How was Odysseus' wife able to keep the suitors away?
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Penelope tells the beggar (Odysseus in disguise) that at night she unravels a burial shroud she is making intended for Laertes every night in order to keep the would-be suitors at bay until her husband returns .

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Penelope promised to decide which one of the suitors to marry when she finished her death shroud for Laertes. But, she secretly unraveled the parts she weaved every night. This continued until one of her maids, who fell in love with one of the suitors, betrayed Penelope.

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She was waiting for Odysseus to come home because she knew he was alive and would soon come home to defend her honor. So she prolonged it. Sources: Homer's The Odyssey

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Why do Odysseus' men open the bag of winds that Anemoi had given to Odysseus?

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What does Odysseus tell Penelope to do while off war?

Penelope's ostensible offer of marriage and her solicitation of gifts constitute a dolos with a double aim: to keep the suitors off guard and to reassure Odysseus of her loyalty, in the well-founded belief that he has today returned in the guise of the stranger.

Why can't Penelope finish weaving the robe in the Odyssey?

In the Odyssey, Penelope unravels the robe she weaves during the day, so she never finishes it. She uses this as a ploy to delay remarrying and to ward off suitors who are pressuring her to choose a new husband. By promising to pick a suitor once she completes the robe, she buys herself time to keep Odysseus' identity hidden.

Why does Miss Emily's father chase away all her potential suitors?

Miss Emily's father chases away all her potential suitors because he is controlling and overprotective. He wants to keep her at home and under his control, likely due to feelings of possessiveness and fear of losing her companionship. This action ultimately leads to Miss Emily's social isolation and loneliness.