

How was Ralph Baer able to achieve the video game console?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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I don't no maybe he saved his money

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Q: How was Ralph Baer able to achieve the video game console?
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When was inventor Ralph Baer the inventor of the video game console born?

Ralph Henry Baer was born on March 8, 1922 and died on December 6, 2014.

Who invented the first console and what year?

If by "console" you mean "home video game console," then it was probably the Magnavox Odyssey (first prototype 1968, Ralph Baer).

What was the first video game Ralph H Baer made?

Yes. He is widely known as "The Father of Video Games" and the first video game ever made was Pong (made by Ralph Baer).

Who is the pioneer of video games?

Ralph Baer

What did Ralph baer invent?

he invented video games..

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Also known as the magnavox odyssey, the brown box was created by Ralph Baer. World's inventor of the home video game console

What was Ralph Baer's main invention?

Pong - the video game.

What was the first games console that was invented?

The first home video game system was the Magnavox Odyssey by Ralph Baer, who completed a prototype in 1968. It was first sold in graphics,

What was Ralph h barer s legacy?

Ralph H. Baer's legacy was his pioneering work in the development of video game technology. He is often referred to as the "Father of Video Games" for his creation of the first home video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey, in the early 1970s. Baer's innovative ideas and contributions revolutionized the entertainment industry and laid the foundation for the video game industry as we know it today.

Who was the inventor of video game?

the answer is Ralph Baer. thebomb2 says: if that is true thank you thank you thank you thank you Ralph baer

When did Pong come out?

Ralph Baer created Pong, as the first video game.

Is Ralph baer dead?

ralph baer is not dead