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Q: How was Russia contributed to world culture?
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How has Russia contributed to world culture'?

they kept it alive. amen

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The success of the Bolsheviks in Russia contributed to the post-World War 1 phenomenon in the US known as?

the "Red Scare"

Who is the Minister of Culture for Russia?

Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinskiy is the Minister of Culture for Russia.

What is Russia's culture?

one culture.

What was the legacy of Catherine the Great?

I think, her influence on westeren expansion, culture, foreign policy. making russia the world power it is today. I think, her influence on westeren expansion, culture, foreign policy. making russia the world power it is today.

What factors contributed to the dramatic economic growth and the ensuing population growth of Russia in the eighteenth century?

The dramatic economic and population growth of Russia in the 18th century was the result of Russian leaders trying isolate Russia from Western European culture. The fight for conservation ended with Napoleon's invasions.

What religion contributed to the unification of Russia?

Eastern Orthodox

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the invasion of Russia

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essay on decline of native culture

What is the majority culture in Russia?

The majority of Russia are the Slavs.