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Homo erectus had a more modern upright posture and larger brain size compared to Homo habilis. Homo erectus was also more advanced in tool-making and had a wider geographical distribution.

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Q: How was homo erects different from homo habits?
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What is the approximate distance that homo erects traveled as they migrated?

Homo erectus is estimated to have migrated over long distances, possibly ranging from hundreds to thousands of kilometers. They are believed to have expanded out of Africa into different parts of Asia, Europe, and possibly even as far as Indonesia over a period of around 1.8 million years.

Did homo erects have smaller brains than Australopithecus?

No, Homo erectus had larger brains than Australopithecus. Homo erectus had an average brain size of around 900 cubic centimeters, while Australopithecus had a brain size of around 400-500 cubic centimeters. This increase in brain size is thought to be one of the key factors in the evolution of Homo erectus.

Where did homo erects live shelter?

Homo erectus are believed to have lived in various types of shelters, including caves, rock overhangs, and simple shelters made from wood and animal hides. They were adept at using natural materials to create temporary structures for protection against the elements and predators.

What did scientists name the first human homo habits?

The first member of the Homo genus was named Homo habilis, meaning "handy man," because they were known to use tools. Homo habilis lived approximately 2.3 to 1.4 million years ago.

How did the abitly to make stone tools help homo habits?

The ability to make stone tools allowed Homo habilis to access new food sources, defend themselves, and perform tasks more efficiently. This technological advancement played a key role in their survival and adaptation to different environments.

Related questions

What does homo erects mean?

Meaning, erect human. (Standing up/walking).

What is the approximate distance that homo erects traveled as they migrated?

Homo erectus is estimated to have migrated over long distances, possibly ranging from hundreds to thousands of kilometers. They are believed to have expanded out of Africa into different parts of Asia, Europe, and possibly even as far as Indonesia over a period of around 1.8 million years.

Did homo erects have smaller brains than Australopithecus?

No, Homo erectus had larger brains than Australopithecus. Homo erectus had an average brain size of around 900 cubic centimeters, while Australopithecus had a brain size of around 400-500 cubic centimeters. This increase in brain size is thought to be one of the key factors in the evolution of Homo erectus.

Where did homo erects live shelter?

Homo erectus are believed to have lived in various types of shelters, including caves, rock overhangs, and simple shelters made from wood and animal hides. They were adept at using natural materials to create temporary structures for protection against the elements and predators.

What did scientists name the first human homo habits?

The first member of the Homo genus was named Homo habilis, meaning "handy man," because they were known to use tools. Homo habilis lived approximately 2.3 to 1.4 million years ago.

What are some differences between neanderthals and humans?

Neanderthals had a more robust build and distinctive physical features, such as a pronounced brow ridge and shorter limbs. They also had a different cultural and behavioral repertoire compared to modern humans, including different tool technologies and burial practices. Additionally, recent genetic evidence suggests some interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans.

What is the meanings of these prefixes hetero and homo?

Hetero = different/other Homo = same

What probably evolved from Homo erectus a Homo neanderthalensis b Homo floresiensis c Homo sapiens d H neanderthalensis and H floresiensis e all of these?

Homo sapiens probably evolved from Homo erectus, while Homo neanderthalensis and Homo floresiensis evolved separately from different branches of the Homo lineage. Homo neanderthalensis and Homo floresiensis did not directly evolve into Homo sapiens.

How did the abitly to make stone tools help homo habits?

The ability to make stone tools allowed Homo habilis to access new food sources, defend themselves, and perform tasks more efficiently. This technological advancement played a key role in their survival and adaptation to different environments.

What do Homo habilis Homo erectus and Homo sapiens all belong to?

They all belong to the genus Homo, which is a group of hominins within the family Hominidae. They are different species within the Homo genus that have each existed at different points in human evolutionary history.

Why are Australopithecus Homo habilis and Homo erectus are different from Homo sapiens?

Australopithecus, Homo habilis, and Homo erectus are all early hominins that existed before Homo sapiens. They had smaller brains, different body structures, and simpler tools compared to Homo sapiens. Over time, Homo sapiens evolved with larger brains, advanced cognitive abilities, language, and more complex social structures, setting them apart from their earlier ancestors.

How is Neanderthal different from the Homo group?
