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Aboriginal stories and retelling of events were passed down through the generations by several methods:

  • parents telling their children the stories
  • tribal elders instructing the rest of the tribe
  • songs and dances
  • ceremonies
  • aboriginal art
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Q: How was hunting and gathering and dream time stories passed down the generation?
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Stories passed down from generation to generation in societies without written language are said to belong to a tradition?

Stories that are passed down from generation to generation by mouth are said to be oral traditions. They are also considered aural traditions.

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the stories that homer told survived because it was passed down from generation to generation.

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The oral tradition of a culture consists of stories, folklore, customs, and histories that are passed down through generations by word of mouth rather than in written form. It helps to preserve a community's heritage, values, and beliefs, and can provide insight into the cultural identity of a group of people.

How were traditional Aboriginal stories passed on?

The indigenous Australians passed on their stories orally, from the elders to the younger generation. They also used corroborees and their artwork to pass on stories.

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Culture is passed on to the next generation by sharing and exposing the next generation to that culture. Educating and sharing are the top methods that encourage culture to be passed on from one generation to the next.

Stories passed down from generation to generation in societies without written language are said to belong to an tradition?


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they play history and information about Africa. Their skills and stories passed down from generation to generation.

What is oral traditions?

Oral Tradition is a story or group of stories that are passed down from generation to generation and are not by one single author

How did storytelling play part in the education of African children?

they kept alive the oral history- the stories passed down from generation to generation. many stories included a lesson about living.

Is oral tradition important?

Oral Tradition is important because people didn't have written records people passed down stories from generation to generation

How do aboriginals remember there dream time stories?

As a tradition, they're passed down orally to each generation.